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id: 1344606 - Text: some of you are acting like such judgemental losers in the comments. stop thinking everyone needs to share your fake ass morals and values. i don't understand why it's so hard for y'all to grasp the fact that some people do in fact, enjoy what they do, regardless of how 'immoral' or 'unconventional' or 'sinful' you think it is, or how society views them. not everyone feels the need to be ashamed of their interests, just cause you think they should be. and even if there was more to her story, it's definitely not up to you to come up with all sorts of rubbish explanations about why she enjoys the things she does, you don't know her. like all of a sudden everyone is a therapist in the comments? wtf. and it's disgusting how some of you are trying to dissect the things she says, and creating a negative meaning behind it, cause you can't stand the fact that she's fine with her choices, and owns the fact that she's viewed as a 'slut' and a 'whore'. like why should she feel ashamed? cause you say so? it might be unethical to you, but who gives a fuck, keep all that moral bs to yourself. you're making your choices in life and she's unapologetically making hers. I'm sure y'all would've loved the video more if she had a traumatic sob story about why she is the way she is and how she hates herself and what she does, cause I'm sure that would satisfy whatever weird ''fatherless, unhappy, self-hating, love-less'' fantasy, y'all generally have about sex-workers and people who are hypersexual. some people like ''sex, lust and depravity'', get over it. and no one's forcing you to like those things so why are you so bothered, that someone else does. you don't need to support her career choice, but we are all fucking humans and we deserve to be treated as such, and respected.

id: 1344611 - Text: Very interesting interview. I think she's actually a cool person I do feel like she was contradicting herself within the conversation because everything always came back to sex even though she's liberated and enjoys that lifestyle. I also look at the impact of the relationship with her parents that was said he can't fully be transparent with them because of the work and I feel like that's a probably missing part in her life. Shout out finding her partner that loves her for her and its a part of her lifestyle that's really cool. I do enjoy her spirit and how compassionate she is seems like a fun person to be around. I learn something different that I've never heard this perspective or seeing this kind of openness. I do believe sex work should be legalized in America.

id: 1344615 - Text: And also for having compassion for others that aren't in as secure a place as her. I could feel her heart in saying that she wished all sex workers could be viewed as humans and with respect

id: 1344632 - Text: One sexy lady ❣️😉 but one thing she didn't mention is if she was also into having sex with women?

id: 1344642 - Text: 1.5 minutes is. Im sickened. This is what murican actualy have become. I oeraonaly know peiole like this. And i atate how i feel about it we still are friends. But this is what haolenes when murica has no other jobs than, death sex amd fast food.. This is the result.

id: 1344643 - Text: “I don’t think I’m hurting anybody.” Girl you’re hurting yourself… Sex DOES have consequences and so does her lifestyle and to think otherwise is delusional. I don’t understand how she calls herself gross and other degrading names and then demands respect, which is kind of contradictory. Respect is earned and nothing about this lifestyle is respectable. I hope she learns to truly love herself.

id: 1344647 - Text: I've actually followed Kazumi awhile. Her upstart was great and her backstory shed light to it even more. I can empathize with Kazumi because of how a strict household can deter us away. When Kazumi said "I like it when I make people feel good" her contribution plays a part in someone happiness, even if it's temporary. It's an ego boost for sure, that wording makes me think back about how I wanted to make my family feel proud of me or "Feel good" about me being their son. I feel sad for Kazumi because I know how it feels to have a lack of positivity. Trying to keep up with your family during childhood is rough, especially when they get controlling and strict. It would seem like they care but the lack of love, sympathy and consistency in a negative attitude can be exhausting. What is so true about Asian households too is that anything that is the fault of the external world is YOUR FAULT because you did not prepare for it. That is the traditional mindset and communicated towards the child. There is no "I'm sorry to hear that" or "poor thing" but more like "you should have done this" or a straight forward "that was your fault". Not just Kazumi but other women who probably didn't get the love they deserved. Sex is the closest thing to it but it is only a temporary bandage in hiding the core damage. It's a great hobby when you wanna try different things and explore the BDSM world. At the end though, it gets pretty lonely on top of the hill when you don't have anyone to share the view with. It's great that you're still pushing for better things Kazumi. Wish the best. (P.s. she was also on Channel 5 with Andrew C. )

id: 1344648 - Text: This video is one long advertisement for Kazumi's website. And Mark is hardly a neutral interviewer; he thinks it’s “amazing” whenever anyone enjoys weird and degrading sexual activity, as long as everyone is following the Almighty Law of Consent. He doesn’t seem to care that someone’s hedonistic fun now could result in terrible consequences later, not just for them individually but for society at large.

id: 1344668 - Text: She became hypersexual because of a traumatic experience and now the situation got up to the point where she became a psychopath and she brag about what she is, a little bit like serial killers do when they get caught. She thinks that having a couple of bucks can justify a disgusting behaviour who is causing pain to others.if your actions hurt others, than what you doing is wrong,god is not the point here. She made 4 millions out of selling her dignity. Amazing. What an enterpreneur. Brothels were always there since millennia ago and this is just another whore who is trying to climb social ladders blowing chorillos

id: 1344671 - Text: Ironically they could’ve probably had a decent chance of preventing this if they were normal. Every girl goes through their hoe phase but seldom become straight up onlyfans/sex workers who engage in 50 man gangbangs
