58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1344729 - Text: She is a smart and beautiful person with a great personality and it was a very interesting interview. Still didn't change my belief that porn (even OF) is an industry built on people's trauma. There are so many traumatised sex workers, that there must be a correlation. Her story definetely does sound like a traumatic childhood. Everything about her relationship with her parents up to this day sounds so sad and awful. Kicked out at 19 but having a tracking device till 21? Wow. That means her parents were tracking their homeless daughter for two years knowing that they are the reason she is homeless. Blows my mind.

id: 1344737 - Text: ​ bra you will 100% be effected biologically/emotionally by having sex with as many as 5 partners in 1 hour! there will still be consequences : 1. the 5 people who ""slept" with you will now not respect you anymore and think of you as just a sex object 2. you will now probably have difficulty finding a partner you love since you've had so many partners 3. a lot of the porn industry even only fans "models" are still in danger of being abused by the partners they have sex with ! 4 . going back to medicine ! there is alot of cures for sex related illnesses however there is alot that have NO cure like aids! 5. I have a degree in biotechnology and i know for a fact that the reason why AIDS manifested is because people where having so much SEX . long as people keep having Multiple partners things like single mothers; broken Homes & families ; deadbeat dads will exist more often ! which means more children who are alone....and not loved as they are supposed to be 7. also dont forget about how much this will effect your mentality on life! you will LIE more often probably also see other people as sex objects as well, youll want to USE people just like they use you. 8. it will also be hard to make friends since its hard for someone to respect you when you don't respect yourself. so its normal to believe that the people around you are FAKE. on a side note: i have nothing against Prostitutes or women who are actively having sex. i love women. i just feel so disappointed with women like her who are more than just prostitutes . women create HOMES filled with love! they are the foundation of any loving family ❤. and also women are very capable being able to do what alot of men cant do. prostitution will always exist , However we cannot deny what it is and that is a Negative on society.

id: 1344741 - Text: It’s just, there is so much more to this life, outside of sex and pleasure. Humans are here to experience the plenitudes of many other emotions.

id: 1344742 - Text: The consequences for your hyper sexuality won’t really manifest until later in your life. It is a source of power for women in their prime SMV years. When they start to age out and they don’t command much interest anymore at the same time they will likely want different things from life. Intimacy may be a problem or the ability to find an accepting partner might be a consequence. Or, over the next few decades may be so hyper sexualized that society becomes desensitized to it.

id: 1344743 - Text: I don’t believe a word she’s saying in regards to her private personal life. She’s playing the sheltered girl who turned into a sex addict. She’s marketing herself. Smart business woman, I like her.

id: 1344751 - Text: The porn industry uses and abuses damaged people. It also contributes to sex trafficking. It really should be heavily criminalized

id: 1344773 - Text: Girl, you could be a sex therapist

id: 1344782 - Text: She's beautiful, it's nothing against her but I think she portrayed more of an unrealistic, glamorous side to sex work. She never once mentioned high risk of STDs, bad energies and the unstable ppl you're prone to meeting in those situations. It may have worked out for her but everything isn't so easy/sunshine & rainbows.. her perspective is basically like: I had sex with 100s of ppl, we become friends, made bonds & nothing bad ever happens, yaaayy. Nah, it doesn't always work like that in the real world.

id: 1344788 - Text: It's so cool to see a Filipina being interviewed here! I'm a Filipina myself, our country is very conservative and kinda prudish. My parents weren't as strict as hers but I absolutely understand where she comes from... I've always had a high Sex drive as well and I always was so ashamed of it. Luckily now I am able to put it aside, I can enjoy sex even more now and I don't care about the "body count" anymore. Ever since I allow myself to be horny my self-esteem got better and I even feel relieved. This interview made it even more clear to me. Thank you Kazumi!

id: 1344794 - Text: It’s unfair to call her experience unrealistic. It’s a realistic and uncommon - which is probably why you felt her story was “unrealistic” the “concept” is one that’s challenging to understand yes - but the way she grew up with “strict” parents and going to school - allowed her to have a different perspective which is all - and it’s to her point that sex is only permitted upon a some type of relationship/ commitment to person instead of it for someone like her being a form of employment/ something she enjoys. The overall concept of what we know sex/r4p3/ trauma is textbook according to us - but a different perspective is not unrealistic - but it’s uncommon and overall is a dangerous lifestyle to live which i do agree with
