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id: 15658 - Text: Here is the pasta TAKIE :D You are all blissfully ignorant and naive in your little worlds. But this topic is a SERIOUS topic and a very REAL one. Prostitution was the main cause of rape/violence/all kinds of crimes. And it has been one of the main causes of such for many many hundreds of years. Porn is SUPERVISED very closely, understand that? There are numerous mechanisms in place that serve as supervision for porn COMPANIES. Most of the ILLEGAL SEX happens privately in your own little rooms and your girlfriend's rooms, and they don't realise it untill its far too late. And NO i am NOT an EXPERT in this matter, i simply have 2 fingers in front of my face got it? WAKE THE FIK UP

id: 15661 - Text:  @beastmodejelly8654  It is not about getting stuck in this industry. Nobody wants their family members to get into sex work. It is thru legalization or decriminalization that would make it easy for the ladies to get out of this industry.

id: 15668 - Text: Why's that funny? It's a specialized field of social work. You don't think sex assault victims need services to help them recover and become functional members of society instead of hookers?

id: 15672 - Text: You are all blissfully ignorant and naive in your little worlds. But this topic is a SERIOUS topic and a very REAL one. Prostitution was the main cause of rape/violence/all kinds of crimes. And it has been one of the main causes of such for many many hundreds of years. Porn is SUPERVISED very closely, understand that? There are numerous mechanisms in place that serve as supervision for porn COMPANIES. Most of the ILLEGAL SEX happens privately in your own little rooms and your girlfriend's rooms, and they don't realise it untill its far too late. And NO i am NOT an EXPERT in this matter, i simply have 2 fingers in front of my face got it? WAKE THE FIK UP

id: 15684 - Text: She's overweight as a defense mechanism so she'll never get sexual attention since she was abused.

id: 15687 - Text: Devin Campbell what he mean by that less virgin incel nice guys in America because prostitution is illegal over there and men there who attempt to pay for sex get arrested

id: 15698 - Text: @Randall Slaughter I represent only myself, a researcher, there I told you. Now its time that you also tell us where are you from, liberal feminists? golddiggers? are you a pimp or a sexworker maybe? Look there are thousands of different topics, and Im happy to answer, but first lets go with one otherwise this talk will be confusing and chaotic. First of all its fantastic that you agree that decriminalization is not a good idea, that surprised me, because most ppl who support legalization also support decriminalization, and pro-legalization groups, like the NSWP heavily rely on decriminalization arguments and agenda. But Im glad you dont support decriminalization, wonderful start. Now, did you know that NSWP the largest pro-legalization organization had their vice president arrested for human trafficking? Why do you think legalization can benefit criminals?

id: 15733 - Text: ​@Randall Slaughter "Each one of those was 100% consistent with my definition. " Hey, Randy, did you know, uhm... that your personal, subjective defintion is not "evidence"?!😂 You really had to look up the defintion of composition fallacy?! oh boy... Some non-conservatives are feminists, some are not, some are liberal feminists, some are not liberal feminists. YET, you conflated being a non-conservative as evidence of being a liberal feminist. You are just the perfect example of doing logical fallacies. Not surprising tho after the many previous fallacies from you... "Alice little, a person who supports legal prostitution, is a feminist; therefore, the whole body of people who support legal prostitution is feminist." I never said that. Poor Randy you didnt even comprehend the argument to start with. I said the majority of liberal feminists support legal prostitution and I have proved it with scientific paper, besides this video also supporting my argument. And you still have nothing only your logical fallacy. Good job 🤣 Most liberal feminists share the same view on prostitution, and that is decriminalization, do you really need more evidence to accept this? Are you new to this topic, to not see this? Sex worker orgs are everywhere, claiming to be liberal feminists. "Well, I suppose that depends on what definition of "LIBERAL FEMINIST" you're using. " thats right, you use PERSONAL definitions, thats the problem. You think that opposing conservative rhetoric makes a person more "liberal feminist", compared to literally proudly publicly claiming to be a liberal feminist. "But hey, I have a question for you: how does it feel to find out that you support the agenda of RADICAL MISANDRIST FEMINISTS like Andrea Dworkin?" Now you have made another fallacy, you made double standards.🤣 If I push the idea of radfems, then you push the idea of liberal feminists. Either you admit to that, or you lose your accusation against me. Answer this and make your choice.

id: 15753 - Text:  @lachusity  That's a gross oversimplification and misrepresentation that doesn't consider the differences in how a legal industry works vs. an illegal one. Let's say 20 out of 100 of prostitutes in the illegal sex trade are "victims" (by whatever definition of "victim" you're using here - I'll just assume you mean "human trafficking victim"). But by legalizing the industry and holding it to good licensing, health, safety, and inspection standards, and allowing the victims of the previously illegal industry to come forward to police without fear of being arrested themselves, we can reduce the percentage of "victims" to 5 out of every 100. Meanwhile, the size of the industry doubles because of legalization, so there are 200 prostitutes in a given area instead of 100. 200 prostitutes x 5 victims per 100 = only 10 "victim" prostitutes, compared to 20 when the industry was illegal. This example is still very much an oversimplification, but it should be enough to illustrate a lot of important considerations your simple-minded "but more victims!" argument is ignoring. The evidence from places that have tried it is that legalizing prostitution results in much lower victimization, not more.

id: 15756 - Text: With all the guilt inflicted on me, as well as abuse, just learned to ignore women, diverted interests to other things, but suppressing sexuality will never work, fighting nature  @Will.Flavell 
