58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1345138 - Text: If she is going to promote a free sex lifestyle, I wish she would be honest about the consequences. This young lady says she's not hurting anyone, she's respected, that there are no consequences for her actions, but what about all the abortions she's no doubt had to have to maintain her free and "brave" lifestyle? This is the same woman who said in a previous interview:"Women shouldn't be punished for sex and unwanted pregnancies/babies are a punishment therefore, woman should have the right to kill their unborn babies." For every action there is a reaction. You reap what you sow don't be deceived there is no such thing as no consequences or free sex or respect as a sex worker. Unwanted pregnancies are just one consequence of choosing this lifestyle. Choosing to live a virtuous lifestyle may be unpopular but it's the best life that you can live! Praying that she eventually chooses to take the high road.šŸ™

id: 1345149 - Text: Just so we're clear. During Covid when Australia was on fire - an onlyfans girl singlehandedly raised an incredibly sizeable donation for the conservation of Australia's wildlife. Sex sells. As a society we shouldn't be looking down on sex workers - it's a historic career throughout the world.

id: 1345156 - Text: Yeah, I donā€™t know about this oneā€¦ not saying it isnā€™t a great interview - I think that most all the interviews on SWU are a truthful showcase of the human condition, regardless of whether the interviewees (or interviewer even) are aware of it or not. The truth shows itself, and beneath Kazumiā€™s youth, beauty, and plastic surgeries, I just see a girl that wears her pride on her sleeve and uses it to cope with her deep, ongoing pain and trauma toward her childhood. The mask has been so integrated in fact, that she passes that pride off as ā€˜empowerment,ā€™ and even admits to her own narcissism later down the interview. I donā€™t want to make it seem like Iā€™m judging her, but besides making lots of money by having tons of sex with strangers, what has been her remarkable achievement? Sure, she is well spoken, but to me it feels like a bunch of cover up and justifications for a life that is unrealistic and empty in the long run. You could also argue that, sure, there are those rare individuals that would love to live her life for the rest of their days, and keep hitting the dopamine sex button to no avail and without restraint. But how is this a good role model for women at a large scale? How can this be called female empowerment? What about mothers, women astronauts, scientists, athletes, women who have worked hard to build something that services humanity and provides an example for growth? I can understand the sex workers that come on this platform and say ā€˜Iā€™m doing this to survive, but Iā€™d never let my child do what I have done,ā€™ and I can respect that sentiment, because theyā€™re ultimately doing something that is negatively perceived to take care of their children or put themselves through college and eventually get out. Thereā€™s at least some honor in that. With Kazumi and other Onlyfans models Iā€™ve seen here it feels like itā€™s all about hedonism and money to them. And the fact that it seems that Mark is willfully encouraging them under the pretext of ā€˜nonjudgementā€™ makes me feelā€¦ rather uneasy.

id: 1345173 - Text: Her parents do know. He mom literally does sex work with her. Mother daughter stuff. It's vile.

id: 1345192 - Text: I think youā€™re really well spoken.. you look happy / healthy and you own your sexuality ! Itā€™s great to see a woman who is comfortable with her body .. comfortable with sex and wants to keep exploring and trying new things .. life is long .. have fun and learn more things along the way (kinky or not) Thanks for doing this interview with Mark. ā¤ Take good care of yourself (there are weirdos out there and I donā€™t mean the good kind like you šŸ˜ƒ). Ox

id: 1345210 - Text: Let's not encourage thot behaviour. The more sexual partners someone has, the more they lose their ability to bond with someone in a relationship. And the further they stray from God.

id: 1345216 - Text: Hyper sexual AKA sex addict. "I feel like sexually, I just wanted to experience more and more and more and more." Sounds like she uses sex to comfort trauma-filled prisoner childhood. I wish her peace.

id: 1345222 - Text: "I feel like sexually, I just wanted to experience more and more and more and more." Ya, it's called sex addiction.

id: 1345243 - Text: I just wanna say there's nothing disgusting about you. It seems you know it already, but you repeated this word a lot of times. You just like sex. I don't think consensual sex can ever be disgusting.

id: 1345246 - Text: Oh, the lies people tell themselves. Nobody thinks she stupid or worthless and hardly anyone dislikes sex workers because they can't control them. Maybe they look down on this kind of work because they don't want see society going down the toilet, people degrading themselves, women and young people being abused and exploited, the family being erroded and the general nastiness of it all. I think only a tiny percent of women would find this empowering. It's ugly and it's sordid.
