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id: 1345514 - Text: Her Sexual Power is Beautiful Sis ❤ and her Name was my favorite character on a PlayStation game 😅

id: 1345525 - Text: All you guys are straight up fools shes new to you guys but to someone who knows everyone in the industry shes a fraud she only does this stuff for money and tries to feed you this bs story about how this and that happened to her all she wants is the money she saw other girls making money on onlyfans and decided to join in on the fun thats it she does interviews to market herself so for everyone feeling bad for her just know that she chose her lifestyle some girls actually grew up in this sex industry she just saw an opportunity and took it thats it nothing special about her she was just looking for a shorcut and an excuse to be a slut not even hating but its just disrespectful for the ones who are sex addicts or actually grew up in the sex industry to watch her "hehehehe" her way through the interview its just lame

id: 1345548 - Text: As a father of 2teen girls I feel Her mentality is flawed. I don’t misunderstand her. In fact she represents a trend that is deviating some young girls to being fooled into only fans and sex jobs vs further education or many other avenues that have less negatives and risk. She says It’s just a moment & a experience but it’s not that simple. Moments have consequences. Pregnancy,STDs,reputation & good quality men in particular will always want sex from her but as a wife or mother of their children not so much. And as she ages and life is less about partying and folks get married she will want some1 of quality to share life with beyond gangbangs. -She claims shes intelligent but comes on a multi million subscriber podcast as says my family does know NOT know what I’m doing. Well, they will eventually. And sooner after this. She knows that too. And she said I know my family will never accept this. And she says, its sad that even thou our relationship is a bit better now, its on borrowed time cuz they r narrow minded & can’t accept me for who I am. So she’s deviating from her parents, quality men don’t want her as a wife or mother so it’s jus her and no family. Also she’s 25 & can’t see that she will change& some scars r very ugly in society & can complicate her path in future. Her views r extreme & what about when she has kids, wants to change careers or wants out of all this licking toilets and pro- slut & whore attitude? The internet will have all your stuff forever. - Last, she spreads a very dangerous message. And fuck her disclaimers. Young impressionable girls see this and r being influenced daily. And even with her warnings They need to know that this will 100% lead to a complicated life, lots of hate, and can have very heavy consequences in the real world. Make no mistake u just saw a young girl who made a lot of money thru sex and speaks of all her philosophies & highlights all the positives. But there is another side of it that is the vast majority which she is part of also. And that’s all the horrible things that come with it. Losing ur family support like I mentioned is huge. And be ready to be permanently minimized down to a sex object and thers no way she getting tested that often as a group. She slipped up & said a group text is sent out & just had sex wit all the men that showed up at the hotel. What about rape and sex abuse when u put this energy out? Make no mistake I’d not want this for any female I’ve ever cared for. Ask Mia Kalifa former sex:porn girl who was from traditional Indian family much like Philipino culture and had a awful experience despite the money. I hope she stays safe and happy.

id: 1345563 - Text: I think it is perfectly alright what she is doing and she is very bright. I personally don't like sex without being a bit in love with the woman. That is the divide I suppose. Many people get a hollow feeling from sex without that affection element. She doesn't.

id: 1345567 - Text: It just sounds like this woman doesn’t value herself at all. All this empowerment talk sounds like insecurity. Her idea of healthy and safe sex is very off putting and delusional.

id: 1345586 - Text: There’s nothing wrong with sexuality but I would question if hyper sexual energy is demonic possession at times . Everything in balance . Only fans or porn in my opinion are dark and suck men and women’s life force energy, along with anything that’s mainstream . I think the way of the future is semen retention, the microcosmic orbit and recycling the orgasms, for men not releasing constantly. And for women participating in the dark, they are more in the succubus energy don’t really support mens enlightenment because they are simply focused on the highlight of making easy money from stealing mens energy .

id: 1345589 - Text: Maybe I am just too old; but not growing up with sex everywhere...this all feels very dirty, yucky. I can't (in my own head)) wrap my head around how you'd feel ok or good inside. However, that's just my two cents. You are insanely beautiful ...that's for sure! Good luck & God Bless.

id: 1345601 - Text: Haven't finished the video. Just paused it. Personally, I don't care how " hyper sexual" you're. I think that's awesome, and you don't hurt anyone. Men can do it all the time, and there is zero judgment. However, I do feel like there is more to your past. Not that there has to be, but " I was kicked out at 19". That means that pretty much a lot of shit probably went down in high school, and your parents couldn't handle you anymore. Believe me I left my parents' house at 17, I couldn't live there anymore. Just a heads up, it is not that common for 19 year Olds to get kicked out of their house. Also, you're who you're because you hated how your parents thought. My Dad was racist. I went completely the opposite way. I never understood hating others for the color of their skin or sexuality, but I know the way he thought turned me into I am today. Do you, but be real about it OR be like me and completely disregard your past. Keep doing you! ** Finished the video- honestly I wasn't sure if I was going to like her. Just the first minute of the video seemed very immature, but as the video went on you're an amazing woman! You're so right, humans are humans and people need to start respecting them more. Best quote of the day " I will try anything twice" I'm going to live by that. Everyone always says " once", but maybe the one time was a horrible experience.

id: 1345602 - Text: If u can’t control something, it controls you and sex workers are insensitive to peoples addictions being damaging and are therefore condoning it and not truly caring in a higher sense . Connecting to meditation and breath-work and self pleasure in ways where you don’t need anything outside of yourself is extremely healing for anyone who’s struggled with porn addiction or hyper sexuality.

id: 1345614 - Text: Idk she had sexxx with king croc a 400 pound man for content that’s disgusting then house phone a nj cohost who had sexx with a transgender man she’s disgusting
