58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1346322 - Text:  @8bitRAM  I'm first and foremost talking about subconscious desires. Both their ideologies are based on the subconscious. Sexuality is secondary.

id: 1346330 - Text: There's who we are, which she is being honest about. Who we really are sexually and what we really like sexually is not for anyone to judge and nobody's business. She's comfortable enough to tell us and that makes people mad. Because most people don't even know what they like sexually and what gets them off. Then there's people who DO know, but have no idea how to make it happen and they can't make it happen. They get really pissed of when people know what they like and know how to make it happen and have figured it out. You never know if your dad goes gay stuff on his lunch break secretly or if your mom is getting fisted by the milk man. Ha!

id: 1346341 - Text:  @EnzoLuka21  it's not just honesty, society is lacking in many positive aspects/attributes. There's a place for almost everyone. Sex work is important but not everyone needs, wants or should be exposed to it.

id: 1346344 - Text:  @themagnificentorange672  crazy right. There isn’t a line between honesty and the truth lol. The truth is she’s in denial. She lives in a world of sin. The things she spews makes no sense. She’s irresponsible for using her curiosities as an excuse for attention and validation. For people to agree with her is insane. She’s what’s wrong with society. Sexuality. Exposure. Pleasure. Fornication. Everything against Gods word. She’s just a product of failed parenting.I wasn’t allowed to do anything as a child, for a reason. It goes a long way as a father. Plain and simple.

id: 1346362 - Text:  @fadekaro97  they have a sex tape…

id: 1346363 - Text:  @fadekaro97  you sure about that, he has openly had a interview of him saying he fell for a sex worker he met on the streets..

id: 1346367 - Text: Americans are extremely uptight about sex. It is a problem... People get mad... It's says something about the other person.

id: 1346368 - Text: "i'm a really gross sex worker slut bag" that description made me laugh

id: 1346387 - Text: You're exactly the kind of person she talks about. A (religous) man that can't control a woman's sexuality. You'd love fucking her as well but your religion won't even let you entertain the notion. Wouldn´t even suprise me if you were writing your comment after jerking off to her videos. But instead of doing some self-reflection you try to put your shame on her. And who the fuck calls themselves SeedOfAbraham? Freak.

id: 1346401 - Text: " I feel like a lot of people don't have healed perspectives on sex they don't want to like sex too much they don't want to see too much of it because they're afraid of the person they'll become if they are exposed to too much sexuality" - I wish I have her sexual insight when I was younger... she's brave & broad minded...
