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id: 1346603 - Text: People like you always want to make sex workers into the 'victim' so you can 'pity' them and feel superior. Grow up.

id: 1346608 - Text:  @lifeoflw84  read again he said “not allowed outside till 17” which is what he quoted. Being let outside and being kicked out the home are 2 different things. But yes she was quickly kicked out not too long after. Either way the shit was definitely poor parenting. Whether it’s not technically abuse it’s definitely a way to create a sex craved monster.

id: 1346613 - Text: dod you ever think that maybe she is really just a sex addict?

id: 1346614 - Text:  @jasonolinger7585  I think so. I think her addiction may stem from invisible wounds, being sheltered in her home until the age of 17, and was exposed and is doing the exact thing her parents thought they tried to Keep her from. Or maybe her dad sexually abused her. She’s a beautiful woman, but being gang banged by several men is not something that is socially accepted. IDK. God Bless her though.

id: 1346615 - Text:  @kimtate1911  of course you have to blame a man for this, god forbid women hold them selves accountable for their own decisions. After all you say you want equality in every way but when it comes to accountability it's always some man to blame especially in a country were women chose to sexually liberate themselves.

id: 1346616 - Text: It's funny hearing all of these strong independent women in the comments trying to hold everyone accountable around her except her even though she had a family who protected her, it reminds me of how women sexually liberated themselves and complain how men objectify them.

id: 1346641 - Text: I respect this chick, sex workers I mean. They provide a service I want and if I can make a relationship with them even better. Shame people are still so puritanical in this era. The only issue I see is how it would affect the children from this, if any are born. Boundaries and expectations to be set and met and all. All in all sex workers are desired now more than ever in this decade and people should be more open to it. Hell I’ll date one given the chance, like I said boundaries and expectations are set, when they are myself and said partner can only find happiness.

id: 1346654 - Text: 🙏that’s it, She is obviously a very different/extreme individual. & at the same time substantiates, sells this to herself & others. Trying to come across as just a ‘regular enough gal’ (but hyper sexual), It’s her way of looping around & legitimising where She’s at.

id: 1346655 - Text: Obviously. No one in their right mind wants to be a whvre, and if a little girl sees sexual content and wants to be that when she grows up, she is severely mentally unwell, and needs to be admitted to a program immediately. It is not normal for young children to be sexual, and it's honestly kind of sickening how Mark is trying to normalize that shit smh

id: 1346685 - Text: No such thing as over parenting, they have a job to do as parents, keep your children , housed, fed, teach them morals and values, and keep them safe and out of danger all while also practicing what they preach. Sounds like they did their job and she is just a sex addict. Some kids turn out like shit no matter how hard you try.
