58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1347015 - Text: Maybe move to Iran where they have moral police that can protect you and everyone else from seeing anything sexual or even remotely uncomfortable. The people seem to be pretty happy there. šŸ˜

id: 1347054 - Text: Ā @AB-ll8soĀ  that's the thing though, nothing is static everything is in a state of change. She will not feel the way she feels now at some point in time. Further the type of sex that she is having isn't without risk. This isn't love making that she's involved with, with her saying everyone deserves love. This is pure empty lust. The kind that drains the soul, that leaves one feeling empty eventually. She could do anything she wants to do this is true, but in the end it's going to be a very heavy price to pay both spiritually within herself and existentially to all the people's lives that matter to her around her. If love was this cheap, there wouldn't be so many broken hearts in this world. She's very immature at this point and as she finally does mature she will realize the Folly of her actions in the past, and the disgrace it brings to those around her. Now she may not have children, in fact the type of sex she's having can actually harm her reproductive organs through various diseases, even cancer. I hope none of those things happens to her and she comes to her senses and starts to build on her spirituality within herself and looks for the wisdom to find the real joy in her life one that will last not only for the rest of her life but eternally. Karma exists and it comes for us all in its many forms, both positive when we excel... and negative when we decend into animalistic behaviors. May God show his mercy and grace upon her. She's going to need it.

id: 1347070 - Text: Didn't COVID happen in 2020 lol, she just finding an excuse to have sex šŸ˜‚

id: 1347077 - Text: I did not expect the boobs at the end šŸ™ˆ She's very well spoken and actually makes a lot of sense, just curious about her take on the risks of sex work

id: 1347079 - Text: I love her and her attitude towards sexy time, but most girls donā€™t want to be gang banged lol

id: 1347086 - Text: ā€œFeeds into my narcissism.ā€ Well, apparently there IS something wrong with being a sex worker. Being a narcissist is not ok at all. Many may disagree and thatā€™s ok. She is beautiful however I think we all know there is a reason why woman/men/they/them are sex workers and 99% of the time itā€™s not a positive reason. Itā€™s obvious she has issues with her self esteem and feeling wanted. Itā€™s ok to be a sexual person however to get gang banged and think thatā€™s a way to be loved/wanted is a bit deranged. Having material things/money doesnā€™t make a person happy. Temporary gratification. Just my perspective.

id: 1347095 - Text: There's a big word that I like it's called respect if you're going to make derogatory comments under my name please don't cuz I have respect for her even though she is a sex worker... I listen to the interview and she made quite a bit of sense to me just cuz she's free-hearted doesn't mean a thing to me she's a very sweet person I can tell.

id: 1347106 - Text: Okay so you're a sex worker, understood also understood is that you're still in your 20s. Buy real estate in California young lady!!!!!

id: 1347119 - Text: Jesus Christ. 5 minutes in and her perspective has me in genuine fear for the future of our daughters and America as a whole. Sex work is becoming increasingly more normalized due to the internet and social media we donā€™t know how much of an impact it will have on future generations. This sex driven feminist phenomenon is truly degrading and, in my opinion, reverses the original motive behind feminism. She calls herself ugly names like ā€œwhoreā€ and ā€œslut bagā€. As of now she doesnā€™t know or yet realize the lack of self respect sheā€™s projecting. Or maybe at the very least sheā€™s projecting narcissism if she considers it empowering. I understand itā€™s a job and people have urges/needs, thatā€™s completely understandable and normal. Iā€™m not saying she doesnā€™t deserve love or respect because I donā€™t believe that. My point is as an ā€œinfluencerā€ you have to consider the youth because the internet is accessible to everyone. Iā€™m young myself (21) so idk maybe Iā€™m the problem and I need to update my prospective or experience more to understand her. Let me know if Iā€™m wrong Iā€™m open to conversation.

id: 1347134 - Text: Rebellion or not, if you do not like sex and if you do not have a high libido and if you are not open-minded and adventurous you will never keep doing this sex work as long as she does !
