58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1347330 - Text:  @yvonnemarin1740  If a man said all of this I'd think he's a deranged sexual predator

id: 1347332 - Text:  @xoemmaox  Nothing screams misogyny more than equating women with sexuality

id: 1347333 - Text: "Edgy" by her candor in describing her "sex acts and experiences" ... I must be square even though had a "tough life," because lots of the stuff she's done I never considered ... "Edgy," on the edge of ...

id: 1347340 - Text: I find it strange that in a country that over sexualizes women so much, they simultaneously shame them for having sexual desires.

id: 1347343 - Text: Thinking being edgy is way for her to be accepted by society, this is more on an excuse for her way to deal with her own depression, which is sex, and lots of it, there’s a reason when you get older you go back to your own nature, once she attention that she’s getting wears off, she will be became someone against the porn Industry, we all seem that, this is more of a phase for her, she thinks it won’t be any consequences because she’s immature.

id: 1347347 - Text:  @xoemmaox  I'm actually a woman - not everyone who disagrees with you is a man nor does every woman feel the need to post their real name on youtube for validation. It's this kind of insecurity that drives sex posi libfem - it's sad.

id: 1347349 - Text: Titillation is not sex. Know the distinction.

id: 1347350 - Text:  @Cambodia69  indeed titillation is not sex, hence my use of "sex" to make my accurate statement.

id: 1347353 - Text: If the world was really saturated with real sex I guess she wouldn't sell.

id: 1347356 - Text:  @Cambodia69  what an utterly braindead distinction. there's nothing magical about a penis going in a vagina - the reason sex work is problematic is because it encourages the objectification of women and because it commodifies women. using women's bodies to "titilate" people is no different. nobody except obviously traumatized people is falling for your lecherous bullshit masquerading as liberal tolerance. women are not yours to consume.
