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id: 1347781 - Text:  @Taran532  men refusing to watch and support porn and the sex industry isn't though. if there was no demand there would be no need for any of this depravity and that includes human sex trafficking

id: 1347782 - Text: Sex work, legalized weed, and democratic socialism is normalized in Holland and they rank close to the top, I think in the top 5, of the international happiness index. More people report to be happy and living comfortably than just about anywhere else in the world. We in America are waaaay down the list.

id: 1347797 - Text: I’ve realized from this interview that they are soo numb to this lifestyle that they aren’t realizing that it takes such a toll on you emotionally to have sex with all these men so often. But I get the impression that they are numb to the feeling so sex is just like brushing their teeth. Sad

id: 1347935 - Text:  @violetselene244  Absolutely, I’m a fan of the channel and respect his art. However, his tone and line of questioning is very biased at times. I can attest from my own experience using/ selling drugs and working in the sex trade, if you’ve never done these things you’re not really going to understand the complex dynamics of these topics no matter how many interviews you conduct with people who have experienced them. There is an underlying sense that he condemns prostitution and drug abuse. I think the interviews would be more successful if he maintained more religious objectivity and let viewers truly make up their own minds.

id: 1348068 - Text: @Maraya Lewis Mark was not rude, he never is. And making money off their lives? I believe is another incorrect statement. He is doing what he always does and was trying to help. Tiffany was not comfortable or was not sure if she could trust the process. She seemed unwilling to be real and share her story with ease. First she said it was great easy money but then added how hard the streets are. Of course they are! And dangerous too. I am not judging but I don’t think any one of these ladies like being Prostitutes, even if they’re addicted to the fast money she only talks about because it isn’t even in her procession to save. You can’t trust a PIMP. They are the ones making money off these ladies who risk their lives everyday, and get raped and beat like it’s a normal thing. And they have to smile and pretend life is great and pray that next trick isn’t some deranged woman killer and will rob her after having sex with her. Maybe Tiffany will do an update video and she will be more honest and open and even happy! back with her son and off the streets! We can all pray for her and wish her well. She deserves nothing less as a beautiful strong black woman that couldn’t tap into her sadness because she is guarded and barely hanging on if she really thought about it. Mark is an Angel and helps these people every day more than we know. Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing it with us. Hopefully we all heal just a little by being here 🙏

id: 1348182 - Text: Imagine how much money she and her son would have if she had been working in a legalized brothel and saving a substantial amount of the money, which she has made, in her own bank account. Let's face the facts, most pimps end up old and broke just like most prostitutes do. On the rare occasions where a pimp is a good money-manager and either lucky or intelligent enough to obtain-and-maintain a few great moneymaking prostitutes, if he uses the saved-up money to become a profitable business-owner and purchases one or more homes and cars, for him and his women, he will surely end up on the Feds' radar and they will come and take his one or more businesses, all the homes and all the cars and send him to a federal penitentiary, for either a few or several years, for either or both money laundering and tax evasion. And all of his women will end up, temporarily, homeless and very depressed and discouraged. This is why I honestly believe that the solution-to-prostitution is for prostitutes to be able to legally work as 'call-girls' and/or work in legalized brothels throughout the United States, so they can become law-abiding taxpaying sex workers. If a prostitute doesn't know how to handle her money well, then all she needs to do is take a money management class. Bingo! If she's either working as a 'call-girl' or working in a legalized brothel she won't need a pimp for protection, who she has to give all of her money to. Once a prostitute becomes her own BOSS and is financially secure, she can 'rent' gigolos, like many wealthy (single and married women) do, to be her escort or lover, whenever she is in the mood for attention or something other than trick-dick. Renting a gigolo, whenever she feels like doing so, for only a very small fraction of her money, is a whole lotta better than paying a pimp 'ALL' of her money for protection, attention and dick ( on rare occasions). (With my hand on a stack of bibles I will swear to it that this is the same advice that I would give to either my mother, grown sister, grown daughter, grown aunt or grown niece if any of them decided to become a prostitute!)

id: 1348199 - Text: I accidentally came into the grips of a Hollywood pimp. April 2020 after Nipsey Hustle died, I moved to Hollywood to work as a screenwriter for Revolt Television, under Diddy. I was introduced to McKinley Travis Jr who turned out to be a sex trafficker. I had to stay at his apartment, Casa Verde 1552 Schrader Blvd apt 202 Hollywood, CA 90028 until I got on my feet. I noticed that hundreds of people were in and out of his apartment on a daily basis. He started becoming emotionally abusive to me. His mother, Delores Adams Travis participated in the gaslighting and abuse. His two main whores, were HollyJane or HollyAnn Robinson, and Yvonne Bailey. In August 2020 McKinley Jr robbed me at gunpoint with Yvonne Bailey. He just bought a brand new black Navigator, California plate number 6AIV395.

id: 1348334 - Text: I really like your channel, Marc. But please, cant you call them Sex workers? Prostitute is a demeaning old term.

id: 1348342 - Text: What do they call themselves? 100% of these women call themselves “prostitutes” or “ho”s. The term “sex workers” is just too vague.

id: 1348343 - Text:  @SoftWhiteUnderbelly  So. Why don't you just call them Ho's in the title? Sex worker is not too vague. Prostitute is just more salacious.
