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id: 1350010 - Text: I wish she would just be honest and say she got sex trafficked by the girl she met at the mall and that man house she took her too raped her and she was scarred and didn’t have a choice. Because that’s what normally happens.

id: 1350012 - Text: IMO I feel it’s sexual abuse! I believe Harmony experienced sexual & physical abuse. Her mom found her, coached her on what to say, & only wanted to clear up the embarrassment! The entire part abt her teaching a 13 year old what a “boy, man, & king” was, is inappropriate! That statement says a lot! I truly feel the mother knows exactly why Harmoni ran! Ask yourself, why would a 13 year old run to sex work? At 13? Outside of learning my body “real sex” for money wasn’t my thought process! Then I see a 3rd update where she runs away AGAIN! This was for moms agenda! 😒😞😉

id: 1350078 - Text: Number 1 this is exactly why supporting family should be an American 🇺🇸 focal point. Women need to be supported to be home with kids. Being a mom should be a paid job with benefits! Paid for collectively by society. Can you imagine how many fewer drug addicts, sex workers and mental health issues we would have simply by relieving the financial hardship of parenthood and basic living! All the The money that goes into the jail system and welfare system because of kids that raise them selves could go to mothers so that they would could be home with kids. This is incredibly sad. Heart breaking she's still lying. Poor baby she needs help. Emotional help. Her mom is crying and she doesn't even respond there is so much more going on here.

id: 1350117 - Text: This mother DOESN'T LIKE HER DAUGHTER in the head to toe picture 🖼️ she look like the "momma's slave" or her whipping boy! Even though she's holding her hand 👏 the whole videos seems like she is just trying to get on her constantly saying this teenage girl likes attention... What teenager person or human being doesn't she literally said she thought the pimp wanted to be her boyfriend then she said she just literally only wanted to watch TV with you and it didn't even have to be for long WTF this crap blows my mind this girl is literally telling you she wants your love and your attention and you're over here talking about you got your dad looking like a woman beater f what anyone thinks you were supposed to come on this video and show this girl unconditional love and saying how much you will support her listen to her and spend time with her so she never leaves you again and that you will listen to her and change she is still a child and can still be saved if you will show her the love and support she needs if not what do you think is going to happen she's going to stay in a situation with no 💕 who does that? Even a child knows when they are not loved or liked at least you could have pretend for the 📸 she was a way better actor than you! Lady the fact that you're saying you're 13 year old daughter doesn't know what a pimp is and you can literally see sex scenes of EVERY kind of relationships on television 📺

id: 1350215 - Text: Has anyone looked into this woman to see if it is actually her mother?!? Or if her mother wasn’t in on selling her. Something is definitely wrong in this so much so that it makes me uncomfortable. Right down to the way she looks at her and moves her hands around a lot. Mostly the lack of sadness in whoever this women is and more of her stare down the whole time shes talking. I feel like she wants to deflect the media away from her being sex trafficked.

id: 1350380 - Text: I wish somebody would really get inside her head because it still seems like she's lying and refuses to ackowledge what's really going on. What 13-year-old travel to a whole state to be pimped? --- who did she know out there or did she just figure it all out on her own --- if the stories are fake how did she know so much about the people & area in such little time --- how long has she been sexually activity, surely she didn't lose her innocence in the streets --- she's seeking attention, is she neglected or trying to punish her parents??? Her mother seems to be legit and thinks highly of family...she might be strict, spiritual, and very pro-black. Her daughter might be bothered by that particular dynamics & not her mother being gone. Something bigger is there that her daughter is not saying.

id: 1350395 - Text: They asked in a previous video what lead her to this and she said, "I got m...I started getting into fights." It sounds to me like there was some sexual abuse. Maybe by a relative and that's why she's running away. Her mother seems like a good parent who is just getting by. What people need to realize (and which is very clear here) is that she was groomed and trafficked. It can happen to any young girl (and she seems smarter than most girls her age).

id: 1350408 - Text:  @Alabalalululababa  I have a friend that ran away often starting in the 6th grade. Got into sex work and drugs I was always jealous that her mother was always there for her. She was in dance classes, acting lessons the whole nine. My household was chaotic and my father was on drugs and my mom always worked. This girl is self Absorbed her mom just might be tired..

id: 1350410 - Text: Unless you really know her, you can't project personal experience or preconceived ideas on her. She could be terrified about the public opinion now she turned out to be lying. It could very well that she has been born with mental illness like borderline: a manic depression illness that results in seeking sexual attention. We can't conclude on anything

id: 1350614 - Text: I can tell her momma probably really strict on top of not being there as much Harmony probably has a really hard time conversing with her. She probably only gets the attention when she’s being a “problem child” so she was fighting and lashing out for the attention from her mom. I don’t believe she was lying about sex work I feel like she’s lying right now to cover up. Look how her mother is holding her hand the whole episode… she’s basically keeping her under her control. She can’t move, she must mind what she says and remember who she’s with. That’s just what it looks like to me.
