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id: 1350620 - Text: Kids only run away when there is something to run from. “She likes attention” sounds like a family who would have blamed her for sexual assault from a family member or family members boyfriend. I know there is ALWAYS a reason. “You run from placements” what does that even mean? Why did mom move there if things where happy with Dad? Who says she could have waited in line for Hollywood auditions about a 13 year old. I believe this mom has no idea what to do!

id: 1350663 - Text: Her mother seems like she appeared with this sweet girl to just save face and make herself look better. They both act like they have experienced significant domestic violence. In my experience…kids constantly run away in the face of being sexually molested and feeling like no one listens when they try to get help from an adult in their life. The overriding theme in this interview is a child who desperately wants her mom to listen so she can be kept safe.

id: 1350677 - Text: Her poor, suffering mother. Her daughter fully believes she's a wily manipulator of adults. And, she's right when sex is involved. There's no way for her to regain empathy or humanity again. Very sad for all involved.

id: 1350706 - Text: My guess is that Harmonies sociopathic tendencies is her brain trying to cope with the fact she was abused or had some other major trauma as a child or still ongoing, I would think abuse is more likely cause of the path she took (seems very desensitized about sex and sexwork), then probably started to realize it when she started fighting at school

id: 1350723 - Text: Something is fishy even if she was lying in the first video. Most 13 year old girls are trying to navigate their first entry into their sexuality. This girl is a sex worker! Something way more than her mother working a lot is going on. I have so many questions for the mother.

id: 1350750 - Text: just sad.... she had to mentally grow up too fast and fend for herself but didnt have the emotional growth yet, seems her mom had her very young and the other siblings too and wasnt around and didnt give her enough love empathy and attention, the whole time Harmonie keeps saying she need and wants her mama and all the mom says is basically you need to worry about your own self and self love and not care how others see you or feel. like damn tell your daughter you care and love her, total disconnect in there relationship :( also Harmonie said she never knew her biological father and apparently this other man raised her, maybe red flags there, possible form of abuse from him, specially if mama often gone.... lying constantly at this point is a defense mechanism, survival instincts, yeah of course she wants attention, shes a young child.... IT IS STATISTICALLY PROVEN THAT YOUNG BLACK GIRLS ARE TREATED OLDER THAN THEIR AGE, SEXUALIZED FROM A YOUNG AGE ETC. she a baby. like her mom was when she had her, sad cycle.... i truly hope she finds happiness and love

id: 1350762 - Text: People saying this girl is just a pathological liar and simply attention seeking are completely ignorant. No matter how much she seeks attention, NO 13yo will willingly go and be a prostitute without any serious sexual abuse/exploitation. Not one. She is a child, probably with so much trauma she does not even realize when she is lying. Pathological lying is not a trait that you are born with. It stems from trauma in soo many cases. Please just remember that you are accusing a 13 year old of prostitution.

id: 1350845 - Text: This is an absolute tragedy. I wish SWU would do something to rehabilitate these children. The child has clearly been sexualized at a young age. Children at that age do not understand that what is right or wrong. They normalize being abused as a normal thing because they do not know any better. Especially if they have been groomed they find it very hard to come to terms with the fact that they were abused and it was wrong. A child of that age doesnt easily take to prostitution unless sexualization has occurred and sexual abuse was normalized in their childhood. Thats a very strong indicator in this case. In my country it is a crime to not report CSA.. Child sexual abuse to Child protection services. It is mandatory to report CSA. We have a special act called POCSO ( Protection of Children from sexual offences) act for this. Not sure how it is in the US

id: 1350867 - Text: The mom has something to do with her sexwork I’ll be the to say it.

id: 1350908 - Text:  @lunaromance2243  because this isn't a grown adult, she is not 23 she is 14. If she was grown adult she could have the means to seek therapy and help for herself. However she is not and she's been having trouble in school since 9 or 10, she started running away at 12, she is 13 and being sexual abused by people in a city she doesn't know. This is the fault of the mother, the parents are to blame. If your child is having issues in school have a sit down and speak to them, if their running away put them in therapy. This isn't something that up in the air! If your child need help and you haven't been giving it to them it's your fault if they act out like this.
