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id: 1351000 - Text: I mean… what makes a kid run away in the first place? 🤔 When I was a kid, I ran away because I was being sexually abused. I was 4 🙄 Kids don’t run away from home for no reason. It’s not a mythical magical thing.

id: 1351005 - Text: I'm glad to find out it was all a lie. Ive lived the nightmare of loved ones being consumed by the sex trade. I knew by this girls demeanor and outgoing attitude in the first video, she was likely full of shit. She still has a glow about her, she still has an innocence about the subject. Im glad she is a young compulsive liar for attention, rather than a child prostitute.

id: 1351042 - Text: While it appears that this mom certainly loves her child and wants what’s best for her she seems very detached. There seems a lack of connection when it comes to being maternal. The girl has said it over and over, she needS attention like it’s air. While the mom looks everywhere else wondering what kind of attention she needs the girl couldn’t make it more clear - she needs her MOMS ATTENTION. This girl needs mom to love her up, smother her with affection. Mom needs to stop traveling and do hair while being stable and coming home to her children every night. Dad sounds great but the single most important and influential person in a child’s life is their same sexed parent. Wake up mom.

id: 1351048 - Text: Think of the hundreds of skeezy men that should be in jail for sex with a minor... How hard is it to put under cover guys out there and grab these guys. Yeah the girls would just find a way to hide it but the police owe it to them to stay on their heels.

id: 1351226 - Text:  @kmeeks92987  being able to recognize your child needs help an attention should absolutely not be the “ideal situation” And I will die defending my stance that 85% of parents don’t deserve children, and because I came from a broken home I am doing to work necessary to make sure I do not perpetuate generational trauma. We need to educate people on what being a parent is actually like and stop forcing children to have children. I’m also vehemently against anyone under 25 having kids, as most young adult parents are not financially stable and end up shoving their children onto other family members. I’m not saying it’s impossible to be a good parent as a broken person, but clearly we have too many broken people creating broken children right now right? How about sex education instead of pushing pro-life to all of these poor areas that will never be able to provide for a child. I will never understand why we are so “pro pregnancy” but not “pro good parenting” lol

id: 1351229 - Text:  @kmeeks92987  coming back to this now because I didn’t fully realize what you had said, I wasn’t trying to speak down to poor people, I’m just from a non wealthy family from a non wealthy small town, so I’m speaking on the culture I grew up around. I don’t have any more faith in wealthy people to be good parents, my partners family did have money, but they made all the same mistakes with their children that my parents did with me and my siblings. Neglectful parenting is neglectful parenting, my point with bringing up people’s monetary situation has to do with what I grew up around, it shouldn’t be normal to go to a school where everyone is on food stamps AND has 3+ siblings at least, it shows to me at least that there’s a huge issue with small poor areas not having proper sex education. I also have at least 10 peers from highschool under the age of 20 that have children of their own already, some are already on their 3rd. You can call it confirmation bias, but when you can show me stats that kids from broken homes do well then I’ll happily be quiet, but I’m pretty sure most disadvantaged people come from broken homes in poor areas, and those areas also always have high rates of teen pregnancy. It seems like sex education is a no brainer to me, our sex Ed was just learning what a period was, nothing on intercourse or STDs. Also my point of bringing up how people under 25 usually don’t make good parents has nothing to do with people older than that who also don’t make good parents. I was simply pointing out that the younger a parent is, the less likely they are to be able to provide for a child. (The mother in this vid looks incredibly young to have a daughter that age)

id: 1351282 - Text: Chile please, it’s clear to see the mom is not a good mother. She’s also getting sexually or physically abused that’s causing her to do such things. The girl is most definitely being neglected and just wants to be loved and protected by her mother. The mom is only tryna clear her image and has coerced this little girl.


id: 1351299 - Text: The mom is just another sex worker pretending to be her mom she is probably the bottom 304 the one that control or check the others

id: 1351305 - Text: Yo. You’re Igbo—Nigerian family. You or any young woman in your family ain’t running away, getting involved in sex trafficking and prostitution as a teenager. If you did, your family would find you so quickly. And if you’re In the US, they’d send you to Nigeria on the next available flight. No games to be played. We can’t truly compare the typical or traditional Nigerian family experience to this. Nigerian families may not be super open, emotional, attention-giving, empathetic, or touchy-feely…but we know certain things damn near never occur in a Nigerian house or within Nigerian culture. Not impossible, but HIGHLY, EXTREMELY IMPROBABLE. Yea, perhaps a young Nigerian girl may run away or try to. But she ain’t getting far and won’t be gone for long. The entire community or “village” will be out to save her and won’t sleep until their daughter is returned. Having a young daughter out like that is culturally an abomination and damn near blasphemous. I don’t know your family, but I can’t imagine a Nigerian mother and/or father not knowing the exact whereabouts of their child for a single night. Talk about having your daughter in the street. Nigerian kids/teens barely get to run around acting stupid with other teens. While the societal experience that African and African Americans have may be similar and overlap quite a bit, the internal family dynamics and experience with him the home is vastly different - generally speaking. This beautiful young girl needs help. I surely don’t know precisely how to help her.
