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id: 1351868 - Text: ​ @KimberSly  You are correct, it's psychology 101. Healthy children and/or family lives dont produce children that are regularly running away or running/ sneaking out, and healthy children aren't drawn as a lifestyle to the "fun" activities that someone would have to run away to do at that age ie: drugs, sleeping around etc. Yes sneaking out once in a blue moon to go to a party = normal, having sex with your first teen love = normal, trying pot your senior year at a party = normal. But 13 years olds doing these things and older teens wanting to do them to the point of escaping and being "fast", means something else is going on whether they realize it or not. Either with the child psychologically genetically like a behavioral disorder, or with the Child's psychology due to environment... or a bit of both. But many people will not have enough insight or understanding of their own psyches, however, to see it and stating such will annoy that type of person. Personally I feel like this child may have borderline personality disorder.

id: 1351871 - Text: ​ @kanyaredd2982  I wish black people quit calling our teenage girls fast... being sexually active at a young age is a sign of sexual abuse. I'm currently a family lawyer BTW and have done several. Child abuse cases.

id: 1351963 - Text: Where’s the dad??? Why isn’t he here too?? Maybe he’s molesting her while moms gone.. maybe that’s why she leaves because the dad is sexually abusing her.. maybe he threatened her.. She’s not running away for no reason ..I’d love to see both parents with her in an interview. She always wants to be with her mom for a reason.

id: 1352005 - Text:  @princess181800  yes, this is what victim behavior looks like. She said what she had to say to survive. Including taking all blame on herself. 13 yr old don't sell themselves for attention unless they have been sexually abused for quite sometime.

id: 1352071 - Text: Then she said “ I don’t like punishment , I’m going to say whatever I got to say to get out of it “ … that was her letting you know that she is crying for help. But it smells like sex trafficking and I don’t believe that’s her mom . Whoever that man is , he’s tormenting her too. That Nina lady is trying to sound so convincing …. To where it feels like she’s lying about everything and so inconsiderate to harmonie . Please rescue her before she ends up dead … she’s wanting you to keep tabs on her in case anything happens . Ughhh

id: 1352231 - Text: PERIOD!!!!!! No child just runs away to PROSTITUTE bc her mom is working. She sounds like a 13yr old here however she did NOT sound like this in the 1st video. She sounded as if she was a natural on the streets. U cannot fake that. Her mom is talking a great game but I’m just trying to see how attention seeking equates to sex in the nasty streets of Figarora??? She’s been pimped out. How can she just go back to being 13? She needs extensive help. The stories she fabricated has some truth to it.

id: 1352314 - Text: I'm not sure I believe she was into sex work. It sounds like she hears stories and takes bits and pieces from them and makes up stories of her own. For what reason we don't know. But she's missing something in her life that is obvious and she's in need of something, somebody, intervention....this isn't normal. There's some serious underlying issues. People would be surprised what a teenager would do just to get attention. I grew up in a household or my sibling ran away for no reason . Yes my sibling got spanked here and there as did I if I did something wrong but we had really caring parents who took care of us housed us and fed us and loved us. Sometimes kids don't need a reason to make bad choices, sometimes they just do it. Until eventually one day they stop. Sometimes it takes them getting in trouble again and again and again and again for years upon years before they stop. Sometimes it's not a parent doing anything wrong. I can say that growing up in a household where things weren't wrong. Everybody wants to blame parents as if something's obviously has to be going on. That's not ALWAYS the case. My sibling has add, and ADHD and tourettes but you would never know that they have tourettes bc it's not obvious. When they were born the umbilical cord was wrapped around their neck and barely made it and my mother truly believes that that led to the issues that they had for so many years. When they started smoking pot and even drinking a little, the drugs and alcohol intensified the issues and what started off with smoking pot and a little bit of drinking turned into worse things. Sometimes it can just be mental health that's the issue. It doesn't always have to be that there's something going on in the household or that the parents are doing something wrong and it doesn't have to be that somebody is being abused. We were barely ever spanked and nowadays that's called abuse. So if a rare spanking is all we got when I was little, after doing bad things, then I can sit here and say that with everything and looking back at it, it wasn't my parents, it was kids being kids and unfortunately for my sibling they were far far far worse than I was. It wasn't until they turned 31 years old that thing started to change for them. Mental health is a big thing. Perhaps people can focus on that and not always blaming the unknown. We don't know if this girl was sexually abused. It sounded like it was a time for her to be honest and open with her mom and that obviously they have been talking about things before they got back on camera. It sounded like the girl had nothing but positive things to say about her parents. How about this, she made a bad choice and ran away thinking that life was bad when she wasn't getting her way and was looking for attention. She got it didn't she? And much more. And in the meantime her family sat back and had to wonder if their daughter was alive or dead. Now they have to find out that their daughter is telling lies and fake stories? Common guys...

id: 1352433 - Text:  @SmoBoo  as a child with a chemical imbalance (that comes from childhood sex trafficking) you should not fucking say that to us don't tell us "find happiness" because you know where we'll turn? The streets. The dumbest fucking thing you could ever say is "find happiness" my mother didn't care that she had to work my mother didn't care that she couldn't be here 24/7 she got me in therapy, she got me the anti-psychotics I needed, she'd come to my room at 12am after work just to ask how I was when I was to depressed to get out of bed because that's what a mother does that's what a parent does. It's quite evident the mother doesn't care at all about her daughter if she did that girl would've seen a doctor after that first time she ran away to see if she had a personality disorder. Either way it's the koms fault for not being there, it's a disgusting display to tell other online that the child's at fault for their parents short-comings whether the mom was involved in trafficking or not.

id: 1352434 - Text:  @amandachase9731  awe poor mom 😐 is she finna cry because she allowed her daughters clear mental illness to progress to a point that she was engaging in sex work. She doesn't need to grow up she's 13 that grown ass women needs to start parenting.

id: 1352492 - Text: Its not like cps is any better. My ex bf was extremely affected by being in foster care because he was physically and mentally abused he didnt want to talk about any sexual abuse but im sure that happened to him. He wasnt okay and it was very difficult being with him.
