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id: 1352609 - Text: I don’t think that’s her mom. I have a feeling this lady works with a pimp, and pretending to be Harmonie’s mom so they don’t get in trouble for sex trafficking a minor. I have a strong feeling this is all a cover up.

id: 1352645 - Text: Dear God, this beautiful baby is thirteen 🙏🏾 sex trafficking is a fucking disgusting demon the way it swallows these babies up man 😩 Her mama too fucking cool, calm, and collect about it all. This baby want her mom! Harmony needs therapy! Get her back to Kansas ASAP!

id: 1352745 - Text: Maybe she was molested and didn't want to talk about it on YouTube. Perhaps the Mother knows she was molested, which is why she runs away, but the Mother is respecting her daughter's rights as to whether or not she wants to speak openly about any sexual abuse she suffered. There are many, many possibilities here, and everyone gunning for the mother doesn't help! It's gross!

id: 1352766 - Text: Thats definitely her mom I dont think this is fake at all. Personally I feel like part of my story can relate a lot to hers. I would runaway as a teen at 12-14 yrs young and I can say part of it was because I truly liked attention from new energies but also being home to me was just boring. I was having a lot of sex too and I lied just as bad as she did about stupid shit. I’d run off when I had minor issues at home only because I enjoyed doing my own thing and doing as i please i hated being told when or how to do shit...Honestly I feel that same energy from this girl.A lot of comments say “it was definitely something going on at home no one leaves for no reason” but how can you say that...? She clearly comes from a home where she can get whatever she asks for, i kind of had that as well and still searched for fun elsewhere. So I did some research and I looked into her birth chart cus I’ve studied the depths of astrology for quite some time and I got some insight... She’s a Scorpio sun with Capricorn moon and Sagittarius rising (for the astrology nerds). Scorpio is a sign with a lot of Dark secrets, very sexual and usually literal hoes. Capricorn is a very driven sign that will sometimes do anything to make money. (Just a money money money sign overall) Sagittarius is a sign that is all about FREEDOM! Sag likes to be free from all rules and especially family dynamics . A lot of Sagittarius I’ve met would runaway with good rising sign is also in Sagittarius, and my moon is in Scorpio. thats the part where I can relate to her most. Sag is usually a sign that prefers to learn things on their own no matter what. We prefer to learn things the hard way rather than listening to others. I’m not so proud of how I went about things growing up but it made me superrrr wise Im only 17 right now too. This girl is gonna do as she pleases regardless so my advice to her mother is simply pray for your daughters safety!! Put it in Gods hands since we can’t control anyone. She’s CLEARLY an old soul i can tell u that much. I am too, and it’s like i see right thru this girl. I know she’s young so the whole situation can be scary but u cant change who she is and now that she’s gotten a taste of money/the streets she will only continue until it is her time to rise... God allowed me to make it out the streets and the street mentality and I know God will allow her to as well I can really tell by what she communicates it’s certain shit that’s just simply in her. At that age u really don’t know why ur doing this kinda things and she may say it’s attention cus ur mom is constantly working which Im sure that’s part of the reason but girl u just like to be free doing reckless shit it’s something u enjoy... but eventually ur gonna get tired of that life and eventually God will put u back in place someway somehow n ur gonna be apologizing Tf out to your momma but I don’t think she will regret anything cus watch how wise this makes her your story is already written i know she gonna make it out ...God bless

id: 1352800 - Text: Harmonie is clearly in foster care. The mom doesn’t have custody of her. Harmonie said she would “run away from placement”. Placement is the term used for the homes the foster kids are placed in. She mentioned group homes also. And I agree she was close to mentioning being molested. I’m a former foster parent to teenage human trafficking girls. If I had to guess, harmonie was being molested in the moms care in the 5th grade, it was reported and harmonie was removed from the home. Once placed in a foster care, these girls meet other girls that prostitute and are introduced to pimps. With all the training we have, there’s nothing we can do or say to encourage these girls to do the right thing. A lot of times they do it for sex and drugs, not even money. I have some stories that will blow your mind. Most of the girls I had were very forthcoming about what they do in the streets. They brag about it. I had one girl that was addicted to crack, had a violent pimp, and she explained to me how she gives him all of the money she makes and he gives her nothing. He would feed her crack and mollies to keep her going. She would come home high and crying telling me how she wants to get out of that life but as soon as we set up services for her she’d run away and come back weeks later only to go to the dr bc she contracted something. Once the std is cleared up or under control, she’d run away again. It was a constant cycle. Her biological mom put men before her and her uncle was molesting her since 3rd grade. The bio mom made it very clear she didn’t want the girl back under her roof in fear of her sleeping with her new husband. It was terrible. Thankfully she was put in a drug program and cleaned herself up. Even got her GED while there. This wasn’t even the worst situation. I’ve had girls who’s father has sex with from age 10 until 15 and gotten them pregnant, they come into the system with so much trauma and instead of welcoming help from professionals, they run to the streets and get caught up with pimps. I’ve had the feds come to my home bc one of my girls pimp was finally caught and she had to identify him for beating her nearly to death. He a ring of teenage girls working for him. Thank God he’s in prison now. These low life men see a young girl hurting and exploits her. No matter how much love I would show my girls, take them to church, take them on trips, they would always choose their pimp. It was draining me. I gave up, I was feeling like I was failing them. Just when you think you’re saving one, they run to the pimps. Oh and the system is worse than the pimps, but that’s another story. They pump these kids up with meds and label them bipolar. Every child I had was prescribed the exact same medication and even the same dosage. They’ll send therapist to my home and I would hear these therapists have home-girl conversations with these girls. Foster care is where human trafficking all begins. I pray harmonie stays in track but the mom needs to give her the love and attention she needs. No one can replace mom. Sounds like thats all she wants.

id: 1352845 - Text: Horrific. Why do they gravitate towards sexual abuse if they were so hurt by it?

id: 1353023 - Text: Her mom coached her, and threw the word “attention” out there, and as a result, Harmonie continuously went back to that word to describe why she started prostituting. This child was sex trafficked, molested, and has some serious trauma! She needs a court appointed therapist. This mother did this interview to make herself look good. “What are some of the things I taught you?” “I can give you money!” Something ain’t right at that house. Protect our girls!

id: 1353077 - Text: I agree ! She’s a liar for sure but definitely something is up ! You don’t go from little girl pre teen to having sex with random GROWN men on skid road ! I’m so sad :-( this little girl is as old as my daughter who just turned 13 Jan 6 2022

id: 1353197 - Text: I don't think that's not her mom it seem like she apart of that sex trafficking and she was sent to make sure she ain't say anything to exposure the truth

id: 1353291 - Text: Interesting how many people are jumping to defense of the mom and calling a 13 year old a liar and manipulator when this is a child. The mother isn't listening to her say that she needs her, and the attire, the vernacular, they're definitely subscribing to some kind of religious indoctrination. I think the guesses about the dad possibly sexually abusing her are true, but could be other types of abuse. Mom just seems out of touch with her child and hiding something for sure.
