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id: 1353603 - Text: She is not a prostitute. She is a victim of child trafficking, abuse, and neglect. You dropped the ball on this one. She could have been dead between now and your first interview with her... you interviewed a missing trafficked 13 year old about sex and never even called the authorities or anyone else to help keep her safe. You posted it on YouTube and let her walk. So disappointing. The mother is a total let down. Poor kid.

id: 1353610 - Text: Her mother is oooozing toxicity......I can tell something is VERY off here. There is abuse and neglect question! Her mom seems like the kind to put a man over her daughter.....either that or she's jealous of her daughter......I cant pin it down......but there is some form of mental, emotional or verbal abuse here...... I'm praying for that girl! Kids don't run away to become prostitutes just all of a sudden. There has be some kind of sexual or emotional trauma....... definitely side eyeing the Mom. Shes suspect!

id: 1353661 - Text: She loves her mom.. but her mom has neglected her in some way. I don't want to make any assumptions about her situation but as a victim of sexual abuse as a child, she reminds me of my younger self in alot of ways. I loved my parents (still do) but I felt like they didn't do enough to protect me from my abuser & that made me remorseful of them & I've lashed out on them because of it & done things that I regret... anyways regardless of her situation, someone please get this child some help.

id: 1353687 - Text: Most of the time, runaways don't want to be found. They're running away for a damn good reason. Not everytime but most of the time it's running away from physical, sexual, mental abuse.

id: 1353710 - Text: Idk I have 3 sibling we're all close in age and raised the same. Only 1 habitually ran away and she is a narcissist, loves attention and is a pathological liar. I know she fell into doing sexual things underage with way older men that did fuck her up but at the same time I know my parents went through hell to find her and bring her back, to try to get charges raised against the men my mum even tried to chase them down and didn't care if she was done for murder for it, so some people just do have issues that haven't stemmed from a bad homelife.

id: 1353775 - Text: honestly this interview is horrifying, it was really upsetting that she’s sitting there basically being blamed for being, what is clearly, abused as well as being human trafficked AS A CHILD. like seriously think about that - she’s being told she was sex trafficked as a child because she’s an attention seeker and then it wasn’t refuted by any of the present adults..

id: 1353817 - Text: This girl home isn't safe. Im sure this child has had extensive sexual childhood trauma. Her mother isn't innocent, she put her child out on the streets

id: 1353902 - Text: Omg Mom!... she just wants attention and admiration. Talented and looking for Love in all the wrong placesand Adoration and maybe acceptance especially. To possibly starting an LDBTQ discussion. She said wifey in the video so perhaps start there.God Bless. Ask the question and go from there? Talk about sexuality and gender. Let her tell you and accept whatever she’s saying. Saying father is dead and being a prostitution is a big loud cry for understanding and attention.

id: 1353996 - Text: Yes I completely agree! She's running away when the mom isn't home. I think the only time she mentioned her dad was in the first video when she said he murdered her mom. The mom only mentions that now everyone thinks he's a wife beater. Why on earth was that his only mention ? What role does he play? Neither talk about the dad in a praising light or commen on how he adds/ subtracts from the daughters situation. Plus.... Sex work isn't for everybody . Tye the sex worker summed it up perfectly- if you've had sexual trauma you can detach/disassociate from sex. Not everyone can have sex with even just one stranger for $ and detach enough so it isn't a traumatic experience. As a sex worker surrounded by SWers and with a decade of experience, without a doubt we all have trauma. Most is sexual, which makes sense. If discovering sexuality was forced onto you way too young, you will make efforts to be in control of it. "No one can take it from me if I put it on the first and forefront". Sexualizing yourself for money to randos time and time again isn't something that is the product of the perfect upbringing. I have known people in different situations , such as losing the dad at 13 and the mom at 19. She was homeschooled by uneducated religious zealots who loved her very much, but did not teach a single thing about sex/sexuality besides it was going to send you to hell. For this friend, it's almost like she seeks passion or attention or something from older men to fill that void.

id: 1354001 - Text:  @kiwthebeauty  Do you remember hearing the mom say that brought her to California with her so that she would stop running away while down South and I surmised that the mom found her from the release of the video. And I feel as if she made up that story about the death of the mom and incarceration of the dad because in her mind she already felt the depths of her moms absence due to work and what if any part that the father played in any deplorable sexual activity with her and this could possibly be the reason why she mentally locked him away in her mind by creating the story of him being in jail. If that was the case then subliminally she may have wanted him to be in jail. And the mom wanted her to redeem the family's reputation by having her speak on everyone's actual personalities. They weren't being honest about how long she had really been on those streets. It was longer than they said. A sex therapist who specializes in teen runaways really needs to assess both videos to get some further insight into her mindset.
