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id: 1355066 - Text: You can tell the majority of people have no idea how it is to have a child with beginning stages of some sort of personality disorder. They are prone to seek attention, and due to the social response, they are prone to seek negative attention due to its intensity. It's also common for the child to display narcissistic behaviors as well. Kids like this will become obsessive about something and go for it. Most times young girls turn to men for sexual attention because it's the best way to fill that need. Due to that child's age and sometimes location, her mom will run into issues with getting the proper diagnosis and treatment with her. The mom is actually handling this well, because the worse thing she can do is feed into this child's delusion. Mom is calm and lack emotion until she cries at the end. If you've dealt with a narcissistic personality then you would understand. Unfortunately this is a complicated situation, because this is her child, so I'm sure she is struggling 😔. Pray for her, she will need it. Mom also may have some sort of disorder as well, which is why there is some concerns.

id: 1355126 - Text: Why are ppl attacking the mother? NO ONE KNOWS the situation that led her down this path. It's NOT always the parents fault that children act out. She seems to be spoiled and quite possibly did this to punish her mom for not being able to give her what she wants or punishing her for bad behavior. I don't believe in spoiling children so much so that they feel entitled to get everything they want. Indeed she may not be getting as much attention as she needs, and I'm sure that her hard working mother will work harder to be better at that, but there are children who are physically, sexually & emotionally abused that suffer severe trauma which lead them down this painful path.. Her doing this just for attention, punishing her mom because she dosen't get what she wants should not be rewarded. I am sincerely happy that she is home safe with her family and pray she learned a lesson from this experience. I pray her & her family gets the help that they need to work out whatever issues that needs to be worked on. But again, ppl need to stop attacking the parents when they don't know the whole story. The young lady didn't even seem to care that this hurt her mother. She's just loving the attention she's getting from her actions.

id: 1355127 - Text: I can’t believe some of y’all are getting on this little girl for lying and being manipulative. Not that it’s right for her to do that but She’s only 13 she’s not responsible for herself. Maybe she developed a personality disorder trying to escape her harsh reality at home. Maybe she learned to be manipulative like this from her mother. Just look at the mom, she’s manipulative and narcissistic. Nothing is her fault, she’s not holding herself accountable for how her daughter is, and she keep having these lame excuses for not being there for her. Like who tf finds out their 13 yr old is being sex trafficked and hops on a yt interview to clear her name? Then her holding her hand just seemed so calculated. Seems like that little girl wanna ask her for help but her mothers in the way. She’s still very young and I hope she gets some type of therapy or help in general.

id: 1355128 - Text: Harmonie is clearly an emotionally neglected child. People want to believe only physical or sexual assault can cause certain behaviours and that’s not the case. Emotional neglect while living in the same home as your primary care giver is distressing because you’re being cared for in terms of your physical needs but you’re not truly being nurtured which causes you to feel abandoned and invisible. The mother wasn’t holding her hand as an “I’ll beat ya ass”.. it seems like she wanted to show she loves her daughter and wanted to show support and solidarity with her. Harmonie was speaking freely she’s clearly an intelligent child and wasn’t under threat. However, her mother needs to learn how to be physically and emotionally present and find a healthy work and home life balance. She seems emotionally detached and Spirituality doesn’t come hand in hand with emotional maturity. You cannot tell a child to love herself and not seek attention from others when she is seeking attention from YOU and not feeling she’s getting it, of course she’s going to seek it elsewhere. She’s feeling unloved. Yes she’s mature but she’s still a CHILD and needs to be able to be a CHILD, looked after like a CHILD. She’s putting on a hard exterior and it’s pretty obvious to me. The onus is on her mother and she can’t see it. The social media comment and telling Harmonie the good things she’s been able to experience, (to me) showed deflection and a lack of self-awareness and accountability. Unfortunately I don’t see it for their relationship because the mother isn’t emotionally invested and thinks meeting basic needs is enough. It’s not. Harmonie is confused being told she’s smart and getting to have nice things and privileged experiences but she really has no sense of self-efficacy because she’s not being SHOWN individual attention or being made to feel unique. Some children are more sensitive than others and need more one on one time than others. Her mother doesn’t seem to be willing to change things at the root. Changing environments or putting her in classes isn’t going to make a difference if she doesn’t truly believe she’s loved, worthy and capable. I wish them both the best.

id: 1355133 - Text: THAT IS NOT HER MOTHERRR! They’re Both In The Sex Trafficking And The Lady Is Just The yes Man. The “Mom” Seems Like She Doesn’t Even Know Her.

id: 1355136 - Text: Did anyone else notice that (?)... her arms have no scars but she said she used to cut her arms all up and down until they bled?! She said (in first video) that since working Figeroa she felt 'stronger' and stopped self harming. For a lot of people sex work is a continuation of self harm that was first forced harm from other(s). In a twisted way they feel like they have taken back some semblance of power that was taken from them. This child was definitely harmed by something or someone more than a mom working a lot. The mom has a very flat affect, and is definitely on some 'Hotep' bullshit. Quite a few commenters suspect this child has a personality disorder. Early to tell for sure, but it sure seems like it. I hope she gets the help she needs.

id: 1355211 - Text: They're both telling lies and probably both in the game. Someone needs to contact cps. This girl is a baby and her mom seems too unbothered by her 13 year old being a sex worker. She's more concerned with blaming this little girl with seeking too much attention that she's clearly not getting from her own mother. This is way deeper than meets the eye.

id: 1355300 - Text: This screams sex trafficking to the fullest and after research, she is not safe at home Chile

id: 1355309 - Text: Maybe the 'lie' she told, in her 'first' interview, about her mother being killed by her father and him being sentenced to life in prison was a 'truthful' or 'honest' desire. Maybe she hates her mother for always being away from home, working, and not there to protect her from her father physically and sexually abusing her. Maybe her mother is also being physically abused by the father. I bet the father refused to be in this interview, if he was asked. Maybe since her long-time wish (or prayer) for her father to be sent to prison, for life, for killing her mother during one of the violent beating, which would stop Chyna from being physically and sexually abused by him, she resorts to her second option for freedom, which is by running away from home, far away. You see, if she and her father has such a great relationship, as she claims, she would not run away from home, for months, and have him worrying and wondering if she is dead! A daddy's-girl is the equivalent to a mommy's-boy; both are spoiled-rotten and neither one runs away from home without a very serious reason. I've met daddy's-girls; they cannot hold a conversation, with anyone, for 5 minutes without mentioning something great about their fathers fifty damn times. My father does this and my father does that and my father would never say this and my father would never do that, etc. They will drive you fucking crazy comparing everything that is said or done, during conversations, to how their father would say or do it. Smh! So, therefore, I feel that there is a pretty good chance that she's lying about her and her father having such a great relationship. One last thing; being as young as she was when she ran away, why her mother doesn't mention anything about going to the authorities and having an APB (All-point-bulletin) put out on her, when she ran away from home? Maybe her parents were fearful of what she might reveal to the authorities in order to prevent them from taking her back to an abusive environment. Quite often, when 11, 12 and 13 year-old girls runaway and become prostitutes, it's because they were engaging in sexual activity, either willingly or unwillingly, before they ran away from home. If they were kidnapped or coerced into leaving home that's a totally different situation...

id: 1355356 - Text: Aint noooo way this her mother. Either she has a mental disability or this is one the women also being sex trafficked posing as her mom so they don’t get busted. No way. This is the worst acting ive ever seen. And this girl being really smart and manipulative to protect herseg doesn’t help.
