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id: 1355888 - Text: This interview is so weird. I don’t believe none of it and I keep on getting a feeling that the “mom” is her pimp. Like where is her “father”. Sex trafficking vibes from the whole interview

id: 1355974 - Text: Mark defintely missed an opportunity to ask about sexual abuse at home.

id: 1356043 - Text: This is so staged!!! Nina is also apart of the sex trafficking ring and is being used to help “Harmony” get thru this interview so that y’all aren’t worried!!! Mark this is not her mothers & the California authorities need to be contacted.

id: 1356046 - Text: I’m from kansas City Missouri and after watching this realizing it’s so closed to home, I actually looked this lady up. I don’t know their lives but it does seem that this mom is very focused on herself and money. I can see how this young girl went wild. Dismissing and avoiding talking about the sexual trauma this young underaged girl experienced and keeping the conversation on her behavior is SUPER disturbing

id: 1356076 - Text: @BlackAndMissing @SexTrafficking

id: 1356350 - Text: This video was so disturbing to watch. I watched the first video just before this one and the switch up?? Who says their mom is dead (killed by their father) then you turn around to say you just need to be by your mom all the time? Your mom goes to work, takes you on those trips from time to time, you have another sibling at home, you're taken care of, you can see your father whenever.. she's blessed to even have both parents who still have jobs in this uncertain time.. something is VERY off about her. For those 3 months she had ran away, why wasn't a warrant or something put out on her? This girl needs to be checked on in another month Also Mark, being a sex worker isn't a waste like you said. It's work. Being trafficked to do it however, is not right. Being of legal age and doing it at your own free will and while being mentally sound, is okay. Sex work is work

id: 1356388 - Text: It's better than not telling them anything about boys. Don't parents give their teens the ' the sex talk'/ 'the talk'...

id: 1356659 - Text: This is find out your 13 yo daughter has been sex trafficked in a completely different state and your first thought is to make a YouTube video? Not contact the police not seek psychiatric help. I mean Idk what access they have to mental health care. This baby needs big help. Her mom is worried about starting a podcast and getting her in the studio but not getting her in therapy? It’s giving exploitative teas...

id: 1356683 - Text: kailah Johnson - My thoughts exactly!!! Start a podcast!!?? OMG, that’s something she might do years later to help others, but right now she (correction THEY) needs professional help, way above what her mother/father/family can do. SMH hard! And then telling her (Harmonie) if she was gonna run off and do anything, why didn’t you run off and be an actor??? OMG she’s 13!!! And she’s practically begging her mother for attention. And her mother says What do you want to do with me! And bless her heart Harmonie ends up consoling her mother after asking her to spend more time with her. I feel so badly for Harmonie. And yes, her mom must care about her, she did come and get her. I just don’t see the happiness/thankfulness that you would think a mother would have after her daughter was missing for several months, sex trafficked on Skid Row, somehow not on hard drugs, STILL ALIVE, and you have a chance to take her back home ALIVE!!! And no tears or emotions whatsoever! This is just weird! I’m so confused whether this is real or not! There has to be waaaay more to it than what was said! What do you think?

id: 1356721 - Text: MissLadyWill Oh yes!!!! I completely agree. Sexual abuse from the father is a thought I had. Cps needs to be called ASAP I totally agree!!!!!
