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id: 1356746 - Text: What about the sex trafficking???

id: 1356803 - Text: Harmonie says in both videos that she struggles with depression and anxiety. A 13 year olds doesn’t run away multiple times over nothing... there is certainly more going in here. Regardless she needs to see a therapist. She was sex trafficked as a child! I seriously hope she find a winning solution for HER, not her mom or family. She deserves a place to be happy and grow.

id: 1356850 - Text: This little girl is extremely manipulative. She is NOT mature for her age. She acting her age but extremely manipulative as well. I want to believe that her mom will do better with keeping her under control but she doesn’t need track. She needs therapy. She was just sex trafficked and she’s only 13. If she doesn’t get professional help she’ll be back to the streets no matter what state she’s in. I pray for them.

id: 1356948 - Text: Which may be why she said her mom and dad haven't had sex in years

id: 1356972 - Text: I'm so happy that at least Chyna is safe and with her mother. Both of them are very intelligent but I can see the disconnect between the two of them even though they were holding hands. Yes, they both need to enter into family counseling. Momma appears to hold back on the love that little 13 year old Chyna needs. When Chyna doesn't get the love she needs from Momma, she runs away to get the wrong kind of attention. she's actually addicted to that runaway and sex worker lifestyle...It's not solely about the easy, fast money...although that's part of it...It's about spiritual doors that have been opened in Chyna's life and wicked spirits that are now attached to her...lying spirits, lustful spirits, freakish spirits...what the Holy Bible calls concupiscence. These demons have control of her and she needs spiritual deliverance. Chyna has been "opened up" and turned out by wickedness. she needs spiritual counseling and the presence of God in her life. If not...she'll be right back out on them streets seeking and lusting for excitement and sexual pleasure and attention from the wrong kinds of people. Prayer warriors need to be on their job right about now.

id: 1357245 - Text: Y'all don't get it. These people are filled with evil spirits. This lil' girl was molested, started running away and turned to sex work. She lies because she wants attention, once she seek help that their government funded medicaid insurance will provide for her to get the mental health therapy that she desperately need and I am 100% certain that she will be diagnosed. She may even be depressed. She doesn't know it but it's coming and these kids are going to bully her, they are going to make-up even more crap about her and add to her story. She's a child prostitute. This world is going you eat her up because her fake "mom" has already been taken by this evil world. Good luck lil' girl... you have no idea about the bad that is headed your way.

id: 1357318 - Text: Sounds like this GIRL has been sexually ABUSED when she was in the 5th GRADE.

id: 1357390 - Text:  @commentlyspeakingtruthwhis7220  Yeah, she has close access to all that influential garbage... Many times, that all it takes.. She need to be babysat for now.. There's so much raw drug footage on the internet; they need to chill together and watch the harsh reality of that life.. At this point, this girl needs to be told, it would totally be a choice.. Especially now, this little girl has no legit, or purposeful excuse.. it needs to be branded in her growing brain.. Drugs, prisons, prostitution, death.. With all of that vital information given & discussed with her; hopefully it will obscure the "coolness"she still wonders about.. No thanks to rato music, & the pseudo sexy cult. Girl needs presented facts ..

id: 1357433 - Text: HAY! Y'ALL, I AM ON FRICKIN! FIRE! The interviewer pulled some SICK! Sh%#. To tell this young BLACK! female that "you're very! mature for your age, more like a 16 yr old, like you can think for yourself. REALLY?Muther F.R. What kind of on some, SNEAKY! ON THE DOWNLOW! side of psychologically mind f'n games are you playing with this little child. Oh! And while I'm holding the gasoline, for ALL! of you who wanna come at me to HIS! defense with that TOTALLY! OBLIVIOUS! game of "oh he didn't mean any harm type garbage! Aww he was just only trying to "help" her. then DAM! you too. NO! NO! NO! after he did it, he told her she was good at what she does, to top it off he had the odasity to mask it with some superficial B.S of encouragement. You know WHAT! I SEE YOU BOO! and I'm calling that S#$% OUT! What he did is EXACTLY! One of them appears SO! " innocent" type of PERVERTED! SLICK! Lines, that adult men say when sexually condition girls minds, to make them feel like they are so much smarter and mature giving them a false! since of conformation to look past their age.OH! YEA! while I'm holding the gasoline, make NO! mistake, I could REALLY! care less of a DAM! to Whatever! backlash hate of comments I get. I AM! a fully grown woman, therefore bring it I can take it. PLEASE TRUST! there is NO! blurred lines here, not even a can't read between the lines. Please! MOM'S AND DAD'S YOU HAVE GOTTA! WATCH WHO YOU TAKE YOUR CHILDREN AROUND. To the mother, I send positive energy and love, it will be ok sis. If Baby girl wonna lie, then you teach her how to make an awesome! One, to fool EVERYONE! By becoming that educated, beautiful, admired, power house of a BLACK! woman. Mother (Nina) Keep strength! sweetheart, when you feel down ask GOD! to help you to make it through. MEMO: As for YOU! little Mr. Perverted productions man, I just lit the match. POOF!🔥

id: 1357438 - Text: WTF? That poor mother. This little girl doesn't realise how blessed she is and now much she really has going for her. Smh! Whoever pimped and paid this child for sex should be shot.
