58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1357948 - Text: This was refreshing to see. The mother is integral in this girl's recovery and development. I hope they get to the root cause of their issues and take Harmonie for a thorough mental health assessment; including sexual identity, pathological lying, anxiety and depression. She also needs her father's attention. Bless this family.

id: 1357972 - Text: People need to understand that children don't understand why they do things and it's always a person that manipulates them into sex work. This child just like all the others in her situation NEED THERAPY!!!

id: 1358269 - Text: Very. I'm not judging, and I do not know their story Beyond this. But personally, if my 13 year old daughter was missing for months and then I saw that she was living on the streets as a prostitute in one of the most dangerous areas that she could do it, I would not bring her back on a YouTube channel. I will be distraught and we will be back at home with some intense counseling and intervention. I wouldn't be casually doing this interview. If this really happened with this young lady, the situation was very traumatic and very serious. This is not a situation when you can just work less hours, and put her in dance class and let her run track. This child allegedly ran across the country and was sex trafficked. Everything just seems strange.

id: 1358349 - Text: Some of the signs that definitely cause concern are the definitely present with this young lady Sex work Running away Stealing Impulsive Seeking attention and validation Fighting Lying Anxiety/depression she mentioned In the home factors Single working mom (previously yelling often in home) Separated parents Her age it's pretty normal to want to care for friends more or seek her identity. However, I hope she can get therapy and family therapy when she gets back home because those red flags alone have already been serious. This young girl is raised in a social media generation as well where likes! And ways kids feel validated and false images of women and sex are highlighted vulnerable young girls like this truly get influenced.

id: 1358352 - Text: She’s a true manipulator, hows she going to feel her SO in the future that YOU choose to be sexually exploited at 13. Geeze

id: 1358359 - Text: This little girl is a prime example of how manipulative and deceitful minors can be, which turns into society victimizing them. Im not condoning sexual explotation but this little girl literally threw herself out on the streets. "Being grown" as the old folks would say.

id: 1358372 - Text: I was sexually exploited and thought it was fun what’s shocking to me is that she’s 13 !! She needs therapy because she’s a compulsive liar and has been abused it’s not funny her parents must’ve been so hurt when they saw this !!

id: 1358436 - Text: The yern to be an adult for a teenager is a strong force. Hormones are like the devil on your shoulder. The sexual content from media is a huge driving force. Its never the girl in the video that is dresses modestly that gets the so called " attention". It is the risky girl that is out of fuk's and living on the edge. To a young girl that wants nothing more than the attention of men... The first step is always running away. A small breath of freedom can be the straw that broke the Camels back. Its the rush that the young runaways get addicted to. I should know, I ran away at 13 years old. After sleeping under the stars for weeks on end... Sleeping in a bed in a house sounded great but not as good as no rules and no exspectations. Its a drug too.

id: 1358461 - Text:  @thecrownoffusion8420  California and Hollywood is superficial and fake. Everyone wants to make it and be famous by any means. Ppl out here compromising their morale just for fame. Hence, having sex, doing drugs, etc

id: 1358508 - Text: She needs to be evaluated mentally at a facility that can properly diagnose her and make sure she's safe and secure while doing it. Mom is too naive to truly understand mental health. Even her line of questioning is odd for the situation at hand. She's talking about spending time with her but she is a victim of sex trafficking and emotionally vacant at this point. She loves her tho. THAT is definitely apparent.
