58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1361785 - Text: Leave us square girls alone. Yes we make mistakes and get with the wrong guys. We don't have have sex for money we still have souls.

id: 1361789 - Text:  @tonymontana6734  sex is not free.

id: 1361888 - Text: They never like to mention the trauma bcuz they feel the money make up for it. But in the end it usually doesn't, prostitutes typically tend to live unstable lives both mentally & financially. Fast money & trauma often leads to drug addiction to ease the pain & to forget. When that dnt work they become suicidal/homicidal & we know how that ends. Add this up with majority of their clients being violent sex offenders & with many girls today choosing to cut out the pimp she's all alone smh

id: 1361904 - Text: How is hoeing fun? Seek help stop being violated by sex. Seek help yng lady your dead end is how your living..

id: 1362004 - Text: If these women want to make quick everyday money and don't want a "square 9-5" as they say, then why not strip??? You'd rather have sex and give head to random disgusting strangers??? I don't get it

id: 1362221 - Text: Hilarious! I'm not judging at all baby. I"ve just lived longer and all I have to say is keep living. Please let us know when you turn 30, and still doing what you are doing because it's addictive and will still be more money than a regular 9 to 5, will you give that same advice to a younger lady then? Also, your son is 6. You really don't know what's going on with him while you are jumping from car to car? He is a baby. None of us who work a regular job truly knows but if something happens to my kids, at least I can say I was truly working a 9 to 5. Young lady, what about when your son becomes old enough to understand what you are doing? I don't think a young man can truly handle knowing that his mom is selling sex. Also, what about when he tells you that you can't tell him anything about running the streets cause that's what you do? It is all fun and games until you are truly faced with real questions, real concerns, real-life, and real-life starts kickin' you in the crack of your butt. Like my mommy used to say, "Baby keep living!"

id: 1362237 - Text: Oh come on, We ladies do Not want to hear Yes, that makes you look fat! Sure we can have sex another time! I wasn’t in the mood or even thinking about it, Your Mama is coming to stay… for two weeks! Wonderful! How much was that outfit? It WAS worth every penny.” Little white lies as a form of manners is what she is talking about. Guys all tell women what they want to hear. Working girls tell their dates whatever they went to hear.

id: 1362242 - Text: Im a single parent with a regular "safe" job and making more than 3xs the federal minimum wage i still cannot afford housing. Some of these SWs make what i make in two weeks in a matter of a few hours. Their earning potential GREATLY exceeds mine and money makes a HUGE difference in quality of life in the average persons life. "Sex work is the oldest profession in the book" and although theres a potential for risk, like plenty of other jobs, its not a guarantee, like plenty of other jobs, and the rewards often outweight them. You dont get food and housing for your entire family by going to nursing school and who is paying for that when no one can afford basic necessities? Lol

id: 1362243 - Text:  @yooitsJADE  By “safe” work, I meant not getting into cars with strangers who might murder you. I believe prostitution is fine if it’s done safely and at a set location like a brothel. In the U.S there’s no regulations for sex work. Maybe it’s just me but being picked up in a truck with a random guy just doesn’t seem safe. Also there’s a lot of free programs that community colleges fund. I’m currently doing a IT Specialist one and I’ve done a Electrical one before as well. Opportunities are out there, just have to look for them.

id: 1362300 - Text: Essence has such a bubbly personality, it is so easy to say that I like her based on this interview. Essence, you are very beautiful and deserve so much better than living on the streets. I know the money wouldn't be as much income as you make trading your youthful body for sexual favors, but there is so much joy and pride in working on a career that has growth potential. The money comes later and after some hard work. After all, you want your son to be proud of you, right? (single mom here, one son) Stay safe out there, baby girl. {{{{{hugs}}}}}
