58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1363272 - Text:  @maxmeier532  no she started prostituting because she’s addicted to sex she like to run away from her family because she was addicted to sex boys she rather be with older men to make $30-$60 then to have an education that’s why she didn’t graduate that’s why she couldn’t become a cheerleader that’s why she couldn’t take care of her kids all three of them because she chose the streets before she chose her own family now she decide to be disloyal to her family and spread lies and say lies for some more money and you guys will continue to believe it if no one will tell you guys the truth and I’m a blessed sister so I know the truth

id: 1363274 - Text:  @thesoundofonefupaslappin-zc5bj  The girl is just addicted to sex girl so all that traumatized and I’ll mental she ain’t nothing gonna happen to her she’s just addicted to sex she always been addicted to sex since she was about 14 years old she’s been running away since she was about 15 years old with her twin sister so all of this is a bunch of bullshit and a man wrong with her she just loves sex and she loves her money because you’re gonna give it to her because you want to pussy . And she rather give up the pussy then get a job because she feel like it’s easier and faster and she’s addicted to sex so She maythat a career for herself Now she probably regret it and giving out excuses and lies about the way she was brought up and how she got into prostitution when I see you have to do is tell you guys a True does she love sex she loves to give her money to me and she don’t give a fuck about her family or friends or nobody else period Point blank

id: 1363308 - Text: 6am in New York City ....Mark, why are you not asleep ? - You just posted 20 minutes ago, I am up making tea and here to support .❤ MAY EVERY HUMAN IN THE STREETS , LOST, FIND A WAY. - May the cycle of sexual abuse and domination and drug addiction END ! Thank you Mark💕💕💕💕🌺🌺 I LOVE YOUR CHANNEL 📺📺📺🖥🖥🖥

id: 1363558 - Text: Kristina Valentin , I am 39 years old, an Addiction Councilor and a MFT student. What I mean when I say it’s the lie she tell’s herself is that it’s her self defense. It’s her protecting herself by justifying her actions. If you are now clean you too would have to know that addicts lie, but never more than to themselves. She smiles as she tells a very painful and dark story about her life. I myself used to justify my stripping and meth use. I honestly believed I was not hurting anyone, that sex for money was the oldest profession. That making men think I loved them to pay my bills was cool because men been playing and using us for years. I told myself and anyone who knew me it wasn’t the drugs that makes me so crazy that I’m just a “freak” and I “love sex”. These where all lies I told so that I could live with the shit I was doing to myself, my children and my family. For me personally, now I can say that...I hate everything about that sickening drug. I liked the false ego it gave me, the thin frame that came with it. I liked the men’s attention it brought, and the way it could numb my pain. But I NEVER LOVED THAT DRUG NOT EVEN ONCE

id: 1363601 - Text: He’s a creep in all his sex worker interviews smh 🤦🏻‍♀️

id: 1363638 - Text: Libfems who support sex work and claim it’s “legitimate” and “empowering”, look at this lady. The majority in the sex industry are the desperate and abused. Sex work is dangerous and degrading.

id: 1364003 - Text: Hi Princess - praying for you! Sex with multiple partners you just met and drugs are exhausting aren’t they? Take care of yourself.

id: 1364004 - Text: Are you trying to help this woman or are you exploiting her futher and advertising her services in her sex trade occupation

id: 1364027 - Text: Bullshit....what do you mean these are drug addicts? Are they less than humans? They are drug addicts because of trauma or severe mental and chemical imbalances...being a drug addict is not bad they are simply dealing with issues the only way they know how. Please focus on causes of addiction...rape and sexual abuse causes many mental and physical imbalances .. Get it right and stop profiting from the sick!!!! Being addicted to drugs is not something anyone wants to experience it's a leftover from sexual abuse mental and physical abuse

id: 1364116 - Text: @ok buggy yes there are much more single mothers and what areas does that happen in? Areas with broken homes where girls start having sex with older men they barely know at 15. These women choose to have unprotected sex with men who have devoted their lives to drugs, alcohol, etc. When they have children, they dont even know who the father is a lot of times. The children from these people grow up as manipulative sociopaths, with little morals. Now let's talk about an organized, stable family. Where a man and women love each other and raise a family together....THIS IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. The modern stable family is being destroyed, the position of father in the household is being destroyed. Making the children of the modern era manipulative sociopaths with little morals. Statistics show in the average home, the stable middle class. Families are becoming unhappy, and unstable. The stable neighborhoods are slowly becoming the low income areas, that's the point. There are going to be more people like this lady, kids growing up stressed out and confused, their fathers aren't allowed to show masculinity and discipline and the mothers are too stressed and paranoid to focus on the children. So children seek approval, attention, care, fellowship from someone or something else. And that someonelese or something is not going to help.
