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id: 1364117 - Text: @ok buggy I'm not saying men are better. Im saying men and women different. People get different confused with judgement. Men have a specific role. Women have a specific role. Both roles are different. But just as important. That's why I hate feminism. They take these specific roles and destroy it. Destroying the balance between a man and a women. This destroys the balance of the home, of the future, of the legacy (offspring) You are right the problem in low income areas are unstable men, but those men chose a life of no future, no legacy. Girls should not have sex with these men, but some engage and occasionally they put them selves in positions to get taken advantage of (rape) and any children will not be fathered by these men. The middle class area with a stable mother and father, this is where the damage is. This is where unstable women destroy the balance. Men earn, fight, conquer, and protect (father) Women love and raise(mother) But this has been destroyed. The only thing men have been left with is earning. Women have taken control, physically and mentally this isn't their position and they breakdown ignoring the most important role a women does, which is raise and love. Statistics show the #1 unhealthy developmentental impairment for infants is time away from their mother. Statistics also show the increase in baby sitters and day care. When children aren't being loved and raised by a mother, and a father is too timid to discipline and protect his family. This is a broken home, and this damages our youth. I understand what you are saying, in low income areas. The man is typically the problem You're right. In upper class areas the women are typically the problem. I witness women manipulating a families happiness. You witness men break a family's happiness. I understand.

id: 1364190 - Text: I’m currently a sex worker my first time on the blade (16 years old) in south central I didn’t know much about all of this life. and she calls her self fire her pimp tried pimping me out and he put me out on the blade he forced me in the car but lucky bye end of the night I got away from him and gave him the money $400++ but she sound sweet and all but all I can say is she loves this life . I tried to talk to her and get to know her but all she cared about was me getting the money in the bathroom for her daddy .

id: 1364215 - Text: She says at the end about safety of girls on the streets prostitution. Why doesn’t she get an online ad and go into hotel and get away from the street people if she’s ok with selling sex that’s a better way to do it

id: 1364223 - Text: @Mark Laita - I wish we could use the title of "Sex worker" as opposed to prostitute

id: 1364230 - Text: I am assuming that these sexual health clinics are free over there? Excuse my ignorance but America has a different public health system to Australia! Thank you!

id: 1364258 - Text: She isn't fucked up, she is brave, strong, and trying to get out of this lifestyle in saving money to secure her future. She's just in a high-risk game...Cookie I sincerely hope that God is with you and his angels are guiding you. I see a lot of myself in you. I used to be a prostitute/sex worker as well, so I know you gotta be hard as steel, but one day, you will break down and cry, just know that God is with you even though the road is hard.

id: 1364294 - Text: I agree with her prostitution should 100% be legal. It’s crazy to me how we call this a free country but us a women can’t even have sex with whoever we wanna have with just because they happen to pay us for it.

id: 1364326 - Text: Yes, sex work is work. But no one can pay for the consent of another. That includes Johns.

id: 1364370 - Text: ​​​ @russwriter17 she very well expressed the mind process someone took it from her without her consent so now she s making men pay .I had already heard of it: this trauma is frequent among prostitutes .the rape/sexual abuse completly distorted her vision of relationships

id: 1364390 - Text: The fact at about the 17:00 mark she said “if a man cares about her he wouldn’t stop her mindset and allow her to continue doing what she’s doing to be successful.” She definitely needs some guidance. No judgment but sheesh !21:33 “I just want the girls to know prostitution isn’t bad.” Why would anyone want to have sex with a dozen plus randoms in a day. Oh no. I gotta give that Yoni a break. Uh uh!!!
