58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1364746 - Text: Seems like mental illness of a parent starts this cycle, then drugs from one or both parents, then sexual assaults are all thrown in the mix somewhere. It's like generational with some people because it seems not many people are strong enough to break the cycle.

id: 1364819 - Text: Basically he’s poor yes there are rich black men but on the average every other race of men has more money. Basically it’s just a poor dude looking for some free sex and has nothing to lose you can instantly recognize a rich black man looking to pay and go about his business compared to a regular joe give me free sex or I’ll attack type that’s why she said he’s just black lol not a racist thing

id: 1364868 - Text: She is such a sweetheart! And, carrys so much pain. Those little inflections in her voice when she shares something that doesn't sit right in hear heart and gut are so telling. She's very bright and makes a lot of good points about legalizing the business for protection and many people not liking their jobs. I think the sex industry is about economics and poverty. If rent and other things were more affordable, if entry level jobs would PAY MORE for chrissakes, folks like this precious woman would not have to risk life and limb to survive. We need real change in this country. Once again, thank you Mark for sharing her with us. May she find peace and healing.

id: 1364875 - Text: If you listened. She saw the game. Then understood she had to come up with other ways to hustle in the sex game. Not just walking the streets, risking her life.....

id: 1364923 - Text: You're smart and you're so right about the strip club and not you don't even got to do action in the back room you make good ass money to shaking that ass sit down and talking with a guy these people pay I feel like what I deserve for my time when if you work the street you have a Mexican guy come up and be like $30 Mommy I be like go fuck yourself then they start like begging you like $30 are you for real bro when the people at the strip club will spend $300 on a 15 minutes with you no sex not even really allowed to touch just me either dancing or sitting down and just talking to them they spend $30 for a song a short and song of a no touch dance

id: 1364991 - Text: What disgust me is the men who pays to get sexual favors from these traumatized and hurting women.

id: 1365024 - Text: I've heard alot of prostitution stories and 90% of the clients are married men and it makes me sick cause they are going back home having sex with their wives passing all sorts of diseases around not saying all have diseases but most of the prostitutes use drugs and are not careful

id: 1365047 - Text: one of my best friends is falling into this life right now and ngl this girl reminds me of her so much- I'm just kinda scared for my friend cus she lowkey had like a 3.6 GPA after graduating hs and now she's out doing sex work 12 hours away from me... I respect her for making some money on the side while in school but I'm worried she might not leave... (Edit: I love this girl so much but there's like nothing I can do and it makes me so afraid and worried for her) Double edit: she knows she can make extra money cus she's gorgeous and only 19...

id: 1365088 - Text: These are the sex workers that actually have a good name . They take care of themselves, they aren’t just out here dirty, and they have standards. Not every hoe is some trash bag drug addict

id: 1365112 - Text: These stories are heartbreaking.💔 its always sad for a human being or child at such a young age to go through the trauma of being sexually assaulted 🙄 and then at the same time the trauma leads them to do unspeakable acts of that painful tormented experiences. So for some people it's easy to run to drugs 💉 or something destructive behavior to hide what's troubling the seat of your soul. But it is a higher power that can help you cope with your issues and improve your spiritual ✨ 🙏 if you just believe in changing.
