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id: 1365390 - Text: Condoms break...herpes and warts can occur even WITH a condom...there is no safe sex when your with hundreds of men a year....and lets not talk about when weird weirdos get slick and start wearing one and then take it off out of nowhere...sometimes you can tell of you are paying attention...but sometimes you cant ...its definitelya different feel so you can tell but if your drinking...druggingor worried that he is going to slit your neck when he is done...sorry you won't she definitely wrong about that...I feel bad for her she is beautiful but she has it all wrong...she has to survive but she can make better choices...although I must say ...that's a lot of money...I don't even make that and I have Master's degree but at the end of the day it is about self worth...dignity and money can get you that...I'm not going to judge her though because she is a victim of sexual abuse and clearly if it's not addressed properly it can lead to anger and self destructive behavior this is y we must protect our children at all costs...100%

id: 1365437 - Text: And now they ban sexual content. It's such a big step in the wrong direction.

id: 1365551 - Text: Honestly, if sex work is apart of how she lives her life, I don't see an issue. She probably makes more money than half of the people commenting. I think she'll grow out of it eventually but until then if she wants to do this and she's not on drugs, she'll be ok.

id: 1365635 - Text: I used to be in law-enforcement about eight years ago, and while we were transporting this teenager and trying to get her medically cleared since she tried to commit suicide by drinking bleach. An ER doctor ask her why she had drank bleach and she stated that it was because she had a record and no longer could do what she wanted to do in life. The doctor just laughed, and said, “yeah I know what you mean. I wanted to be like both of these two officers however I picked up a record so I was stuck being a ER doctor instead.” There are ways around everything that’s one thing I’ve learned in the law enforcement field. Plus I don’t know if you guys actually hurt what she said she’s been charged with crimes but not convicted being tried to the time does not mean that you’re guilty being convicted actually means guilt anybody can be charged with a crime but being convicted actually means that you’re guilty. Don’t forget that in America you’re actually innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, In my time in law enforcement I also met a sex offender who Had his record expunged and was working as an elementary teacher. Yes, pretty messed up I wish I could say this does not exist but it does 😐. Also, I don’t know if you guys actually realize that in order for somebody to get financial aid so that they could go to school You could actually have a record as long as it’s not record for anything drug-related. Just look it up it’s actually policy. You could even be a sex offender and actually get has financial aid

id: 1365750 - Text: Sexualt assault at a young age is a running theme

id: 1365767 - Text: $112,000 in 2 months from that sugar daddy and required no sex... I woulda followed dude to wherever he moved to and keep the deal going. Still, $500 a night is still $78,000 if she only works 3 nights a week. Maybe she's getting robbed, cuz she makes well above the national average. And she's not a drug addict. Probably hard to file taxes and stuff though with all this illegal cash.

id: 1365839 - Text: Cookie, if you ever read this, you're incredible. I'm certain you could do anything you set your mind to. As you said, it really is rigged and unfair that the legal system forces you to risk your life when you'd be able to live more safely if sex work was officially recognized. You're working an actual profession, and you deserve the same recognition and rights as anyone else protected by labor law. I wish you all the best and wish I could hug you and show you support.

id: 1365859 - Text: I'm so glad that you spoke about legalising sex work in this interview! Cookie is so intelligent. Honestly, I swear it's a HUGE factor in the lives of so many on skid row that women are unable to work safely and legally in brothels etc. Decriminalisation would be even better, imagine if these women had access to super, WH&S etc.. <3

id: 1365868 - Text:  @Las645  I’m for harm reduction over hypothetical action without the consult of actual sex workers

id: 1365869 - Text: Yes! If adults want to exchange money for sex then they should be able to do so safely.
