58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1365879 - Text: Absolutely legalize sexwork. The problem is that will create issues with human trafficking, cops n government and so many ppl are in on that, especially children. When they legalize sexwork then they will be pressured to prosecute sexworker & children rapists and murderers . .. if you watch the wire they depict how drug money trickles back into the system. If sexwork was legal think of all that tax money just like marijuana. Its who is elected thought, the politicians and judges abuse the system with "religious values con ethics"

id: 1365983 - Text: "They pay you for your age...." That, statement, makes me sick. That men prey on little girls. That men seek sex, with children.

id: 1365995 - Text: It’s disgusting. What’s terrible is that the streets is nothing compared to human trafficking when it comes to pedophiles. People purposely kidnap babies and toddlers to sell for a couple hundred thousand for the buyer to keep them as sex slaves. Some even just kill the kids for their own sexual gain. Trafficking aside, There’s so many men out there just looking for the next young girl to groom. It’s everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. Men love young girls and then wonder why women are so scared to even walk on the street alone. Even in porn as mentioned before, the most watched videos include “teen” or “stepdaughter” in the title along with a girl with no tits, no ass, usually wearing pigtails and small skirts and is giggling like a kid and calling the camera man “daddy.” It’s disgusting what we as a society allow men to do to women and girls. I’m not saying all predators are men but most predators are men.

id: 1366003 - Text: its called sexual market value smdh

id: 1366032 - Text:  @DivineHeart734  you got to be fucking kidding me to compare divorce to disgusting people taking advantage of children and adults forced for sex all for money! That is no damn comparison what so ever….AT ALL!

id: 1366060 - Text:  @juniorleslie4804  I only hope, you do not marry with someone who does evil & good. I only hope, you do not make a baby with someone who does evil & good. I only hope, you do not start a business, with someone who does evil & good. I hope, you do not invite a person to baby- sit or dog- sit, who does evil & good. I hope you do not trust your savings, with someone who does evil & good. I only hope... Evil is a conduct, that can mess up a lot of things in your life and others life. I hope you are smart, wise, intelligent and make good choices in life. Time you never get back. Your life either. The people who ruin your life by their character, atitude, conduct...can do good things too, but would you risk your life to be in company of someone who does evil too? The people who you are surrounded with can make or break you ( and your lived ones ). So choose very wisely your friends too. There are no many good friends out there, who are real genuine good friends and good people, who of course can do GOOD THINGS too. But why you would open your heart to them and risk things? We live in a very hard, harsh world and you need to be very wise, with who you get along. You have only 1 life. Your child too. Your dog too, your cat...and so on. Preseve them from people, who can do evil, even if they also do good. I the right sircumstances humans can do nasty things. Well...we all know that it is possible. I also wanted to do evil to a few men btw and to my mother. But i did not. They did things that where really evil and destroyed me and also my son actually, because one thing goes with another. My father did not choose wisely a woman, a mother. He had sex with a woman, who did evil, but also did good (towards me), but that makes you even more confused, traumatized, with chronic stress, hurt...and health issues/psychological health issues lifelong. There is knowledge about the following>>> There are 2 different concentrationcamps during the WW2. In 1 camp guards are good, by giving more food and extras to the prisoners and where friendly now and then, but where doing sadistic things to prisoners and where cruel and evil. In camp 2, the guards where only sadistic and did not do good things or deeds for the prisoners and where 24/7 evil, without ever being friendly. My question to you is... Whitch prisoners had more mental health problems, ptsd, traumas, lifelong issues, who survived the camps...? Camp 1 or camp 2? Bless you much.

id: 1366093 - Text: of course shes not okay she is out her having sex with these random dudes but shes trying to survive

id: 1366177 - Text: You sexy girl


id: 1366186 - Text: It always start with sexual trauma
