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id: 1366239 - Text: She makes some GREAT comments about legalizing sex work!

id: 1366288 - Text: In sex work it’s believed that black men are cheaper, play games, or hard to work with etc. There are some girls who don’t service black men at all, only white men.

id: 1366331 - Text: I’m a man so obviously not qualified to answer this question but I would imagine selling ur body for sex would have some psychological and emotional consequences, I totally understand that some women have no choice but could anyone tell me if what I think is correct?

id: 1366339 - Text: Antoinette Hunter many victims of sexual assault wish they were dead because of the trauma and many end up committing suicide so i’m not sure what point i have

id: 1366413 - Text: Especially when sex is so easy accessible like why would you take it from someone who doesn’t want to give it to you

id: 1366415 - Text: ​ @JillisaKay  notice how only the women are taking this comment seriously. The boys are making jokes about it or make it seem like it's not as heinous as other crimes. As a man, I think it's 1 of the worse things that can happen to a person. Sex just ain't that serious to take it from somebody. Plus if you want it that bad, there's always someone out there willing to have consensual sex.

id: 1366429 - Text: Maybe the prob with legalizing prostitution, on the other side of the coin, is that historically, the most successful families, communities, are ones that honor a specific code of human behavior that elevates humanity to the highest possible ethical standards, such as not killing people, not stealing from people, not lying on people, being faithful to one person in marriage, etc. Our beloved nation is suffering today because a huge wave of anti-traditional media marketing programs and media outlets began to promote sex and sex outside of marriage along with the glamorizing of violence and the anti-hero in the 50's and 60s. This was and is as intuitive and logical as "smoking is hazardous to your health and may cause cancer." Tear down the ideas and behaviors that elevate the human consciousness above mere animal life and you have....well, animals...humans acting like animals. Problem is that said human has an intellect, and so he or she will use it to defend and promote a lifestyle that hyper emphasizes the body and satisfying it's pleasures, living like mere animals....ethics, traditions, screw that stuff.....ain't no fun. I am not trying to denigrate this savvy young women, merely saying that legalizing something in a society that already has problems, 60 -70 percent divorce rate, sex addictive behaviors produced by marketing wizards, gives people who need exterior restraints - laws - because they have little inward conscience and outward control, the freedom to drive right off the edge.

id: 1366450 - Text: yall leave her tf alone and stop the judgment, you're not in her shoes to understand her and i'm sure you wouldn't wanna be in her shoes cause you probably couldn't handle it, its kind of dumb this work isnt legal lol its just sex

id: 1366454 - Text: She said that she started to sell herself because people were taking sex from her and now she can at least get money for it. People need to at least pay for it. So sad so many people are like caught up in this mentality

id: 1366471 - Text: I love the way she uses WE when speaking about women in sex work and I love the way she advocates for getting minors out of the streets/game ! I am rooting for her !
