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id: 1367715 - Text:  @melh8179  just like the women are profiting off of men who have sexual perversions. I just don't see any difference.

id: 1367721 - Text:  @itsampofcourse  so to you, women who independently sell their bodies for sex are no different to pimps who use womens bodies for money & sex? that logic doesn’t add up.

id: 1367723 - Text:  @itsampofcourse  if a man pays a woman for sex, all she’s doing is providing a service. it’s no different to how massage therapists, construction workers, etc use their bodies and labour to provide a service. the only difference is the sexual element.

id: 1367726 - Text:  @itsampofcourse  ohh, then in that context i’d argue that one is not responsible for the creation of the other. that’s like arguing whether the chicken or the egg came first. people demonize pimps because they, often being men, have social power and capital over prostitutes, who are often women. women who do sex work are usually just trying to survive in a world where our appearance and sex appeal correlates to our worth. men made those rules/norms and they continue to be perpetuated. pregnancy and diseases shouldn’t be seen as punishments for having casual sex. not trying to come at you btw, i’m just curious why u think they’re equally bad.

id: 1367728 - Text:  @itsampofcourse  well then we’d probably get into topics like gender roles and the ethics of sex work and whatnot - too complex of a discussion for me to comfortably have in a comment thread so ima leave it here. i appreciate ur insight though.

id: 1367775 - Text: HURT is in the TRUtH Your comment shows your complete and total lack of understanding not only of the scripture but of the reality of sex work being criminalized creates environments like skid row Legalization means society accepts and protects the act of sex through the law. The women who live in countries where its not legal by any means are the ones who suffer at the hands of real criminals. Legalization allows the law to protect the women and men in the profession and the prevention of children being bought and sold into it Criminalization allows criminals to rape and pillage with no consequences because of the fact that the worker / victim is criminalized by law. There is no true intervention instead its created a endless cycle of pain Legalization means State Regulated Brothels can operate under the Rules and Protection of the law Decriminalization means any legal citizen of the state or country can operate under the protection of the law Those who believe keeping sex work illegal will fix the problem are the cause of the problem. Which is proven every single day in America

id: 1367777 - Text: Maybe it gives her piece of mind? She is having sex with strangers! Duh!!!!

id: 1367793 - Text: They just split and very often rape and molestation is the doorway to either being very and promiscuous with your body after the sort of traumas Cookies experienced. Or some women just shut down and don't want any man to touch them ever and sex is traumatic for them. So do some reading on the subject as this is more common then many people realise, for those reasons.

id: 1367795 - Text:  @darrylbrumfield7659  your “nice and respectful” facade was a sneaky way to throw blows at this woman, her body and sexuality. Then the mask falls when people call you out on your thinly veiled bullshit.

id: 1367797 - Text: Jasmine. יסמן פארוא Peace the difference is called Microchimerism, when a female indulges in sexual intercourse with multiple men her body stores genetic material from these men, they travel to her brain and remain there, this heavily impacts her mental health these foreign DNA can also be passed on to the child she produces. Females also release more oxytocin than men which is a chemical responsible for bonding (a woman with multiple sex partners will have a harder time bonding with any man in a relationship Lastly the woman is penetrated she is not the penetrator
