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id: 1864 - Text: She is so narcissistically over confident like most sex workers, as well as delusional and somewhat vapid- but her looks will fade over time. All these sex worker girls have a chip missing, the same missing chip that allowed her to think it was a good idea to ink her whole body. I don’t get it. When your 60 with neck tattoos, how will you support yourself?

id: 1894 - Text:  @Leandatastic  - lazy? I want you to go to a pole dance class, nothing sexual, just for fitness, I want you to do one full hour. Then report back here and tell me she's lazy. Also, please use your real name, Karen.

id: 1895 - Text: You realise how many women with successful careers either do sex work on the side OR leave their jobs to do sex work full time? Because money is far better? Yeah, I know you don’t.

id: 1916 - Text: Pornography & prostitution is a disgusting, repulsive, & anti-Christ way of living. Absolutely abhorrent. Only demonic people would consider such a lifestyle or any such lifestyle in the 'sex industry'. She needs to get disciplined & serious about the trajectory of her life.

id: 1922 - Text: Vegas Element well you know Jesus chose amazing people that others thought were bad and unworthy to be his disciples, even he who “does” have the right to bare judgment saw the good in them rather then judge them on previous decisions. It seams to me bearing judgement on another because they don’t live life the same as you is certainly not Christ like. I my self would not chose Pornography or prostitution either, and to be honest most people in that industry did not choose it for themselves either. The majority were force there through sex trafficking and are actually victims (that is data proven my friend). How Christ like is to be so mean to a child that has been raised abused and exploited? And since I don’t hold my own personal biases over other peoples heads I’m able to see that. However I guess maybe you’re just perfect and I am not.

id: 1924 - Text: Agustin Camejo Lady, you are living a self-righteous & excuse-prone existence as if you are God. I can tell you are living in extreme sin because of your self-aggrandizing & self-righteous stance & worldview. My friend, you aren't God. And if you so desire to enter the kingdom of heaven, you must repent, humble yourself, stop excusing the filth of sinful behavior as this woman is exhibiting, and become a disciplined steward of the most-high. If not, well then, that is your choice as well, but you do not have any authority over God's children to tell them that they cannot nor should not challenge sinners, call out their sin, forewarn of their pending doom, and our righteous attempt to save a soul. That is our job, collectively. Minding our business is not what we do. That is not what real Christians do. We work to save souls by any means. We do not excuse sinful behavior & look the other way as in doing so, a silent contract is made with the sin/sinner & the Devil who misleads us all. If you don't think that out-of-wedlock promiscuous is filthy & abominable, then that tells everything that I need to know about you (I already knew..). Promiscuous sex is the same as "Murder, rape, human trafficking, wars, starvation, those things do affect thousands of people in a negative way". There is no bitterness here. We're just tired of seeing filthy-living, Godless, excuse-prone, blame-shifting, irresponsible, foul-mouthed, sinful, lazy-minded, undisciplined people, & their enablers & co-signers (like you) destroy the fabric of our society. Time to tighten-up & get serious with yourself. I encourage you & this young lady to stop with the laissez-faire "look the other way" of living.

id: 2050 - Text: @Paige Hawkes Well it poisons the minds of children, corrupts society, distorts the relationship between men and women, desensitizes men and makes them incapable of real sexual intimacy, and fuels a predatory industry that preys on mostly broken women and often exploits underage women because so many videos are produced that every girl cannot possibly be thoroughly checked out. I mean... do you want me to keep listing things that are wrong with it, or was that enough? There's something wrong with just about everything, the fact that you're willing to come right out of the gate with there's nothing wrong with this at all, indicates to me you haven't thought about it. Also stripping is one thing but you can't have a normal relationship with anyone that's gonna work if you're doing adult films, that's just the way it is. No self-respecting man would be able to tolerate his loved one doing that. So, I guess that's a more personal problem with it, it basically makes you incapable of being in a normal relationship, having kids or a family, etc. Also it destroys your ability to find employment in other things. Youtube sucks it keeps auto-deleting me for some reason.

id: 2084 - Text: I’ve been a dancer since I was 18 and I’m 24 and I’m in college and I just got a regular job as a busser at a fine dining restaurant so I’m hoping the best. She’s lieing about guys not wanting sex. There is the 1% that a guy will pay 1k-2k but she’s lieing about not having sex. Trust me I know. Money is good but I want out because it’s funny every time I I drive to a strip club I just go home because my body and and energy is so tired of that shit. Don’t get into stripping or porn ... and this is coming from a stripper.

id: 2091 - Text: Dancing is as much as a job as been a construction worker, a waitress or an engineer, and this comes from an engineer herself. No job is easy. Dancing takes discipline and effort too. Why y’all so pressed and quick to judge her, when she’s living a happy life with her career? Some of y’all saying she a prostitute, which she’s not, but if she was, so what? You guys really think a little girls dream is to be one? COUNTLESS of sex workers will tell you the same: they hate it or they don’t want to do it(I wouldn’t say this if I hadn’t make my research, mfs). But we all gotta make ends meet.

id: 2107 - Text: Taylor some of these porn companies don’t really give two shits about the performers. Some catch diseases, and or are on drugs/alcohol. I really wish most people would open their eyes and see what’s really going on. It’s not just sex.
