58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 15890 - Text: Any woman who consistently puts herself in the position in which shes not sure where shes going to stay after having sex, it feels good in the immediate future, but in the long run, its not good for you. I say this as someone who has dated an adult actress and was the eldest brother of a brother and three sisters. I've had conversations with my ex about her and her peers. And I had one of my sisters in college come to me and ask me about men...yeah, it was awkward. But in every one of these instances the female voiced that she lived in constant regret in spans of life where she was having casual sex. I was originally in an open relationship with my ex. I really cared about her and after she asked to be exclusive, we were. But she was constantly depressed because of her history. I had no problem with it. It was her internal battle to win. We ended up mutually breaking up. She's doing better, but is on anti-depressants...Every female i know that sleeps around is on anti-depressants. I drove for an escort service in college. I have webcammed with a couple partners and I've done camera work in a few adult films. Ngl, I converted to Islam and live a?much cleaner life now andhave much more clarity. I now see all the pain of the women in my life that used their bodies for validation...some of it i caused by sometimes being the one-night-stand. Id never want the women in my life to feel that way. If you're watching this, please dont be inspired to go out and have one night stands. It feels good but you'll regret it. Find someone you like. Get to know them, then you can have all the fun you want. End of the day, its yalls decision, but keep your eyes on the long term

id: 15918 - Text: Lana teaching women that men don't deserve an "outfit". How about teaching women men don't deserve you, YOUR BODY, or SEX without commitment!!!!!??

id: 15925 - Text: I told a guy one time "if a girl is having sex with you, she likes you" and he was SO SHOCKED.. I just thought men knew that but apparently they dont

id: 15937 - Text: this stands true for yourself maybe because lot of times girls need only sexual desires to be fullfilled

id: 15972 - Text: Hooking up although fun seems such a minefield, I'm just not versed in all this protocol, it seems so unnatural to simply objectify a woman as I like doing nice things for girls I have sex with. I've done the upfront thing which didn't work, I don't see the point in being intimate with a female I don't like, why have such a glorious exchange with someone I don't like? it seems counterproductive. from experience I guess I shouldn't hook up with girls, I seem to be a relationship guy, unfortunately, I've learned that Sex in the moment seems great but there's a price to pay and I'm not prepared to pay that price anymore

id: 15974 - Text: I’m old and I am amazed at how you girls reduce sex to such a ho-hum activity. No wonder the men you guys hang out with treat you with such disrespect. Do you ever tell them no. They are getting exactly what they with a beautiful woman with no consequences! You aren’t experiencing any respect from these men, you need to carry yourself with more dignity.

id: 16033 - Text: Que ultrasexy que es lana..

id: 16037 - Text: Lana talks about sex all the time but watch.. she’s probably a virgin...

id: 16107 - Text: I agree with Lana on cuddling. It isn’t necessary even about love or deep emotional feelings, it’s mainly after care. To ensure that person feels humanized and not like you used them. I always try to spend like 30 mins cuddling someone and touching them non sexually if they’re comfortable so they feel appreciated.

id: 16137 - Text: I have high standards. 69 is a basic thing for me. Hotness and kindness is not everything. It is indeed about compatibility. I lost the count how many girls wanted me. I all ignored them. I don’t know I am fucking strange and disciplined. I remember one strange one night stand.... I was literally just walking out the club tired and fucked up. Smiled to a girl, said quick hi. And suddenly she chased me. She wanted to give head. We were both not showered. I was like falling asleep while she was giving head. My leg was over her locked. I was just not interested in one night stands after clubbing. I just wanted to damn sleep. If I want to fuck. Then I want schedule this. Need an little hour like a woman to be fresh. Or at least a shower. Then I want an cardio session, multiple positions, long foreplay etc.... Friends with benefits is nice. But dangerous for same routine and relation fase bullshit. Just be confident in life. Chase goals. Focus. And you always have people chasing you. Don’t like to chit chat and win over games. So I just have strong connections with people/friends. Always went to hookers because of a busy life. And because of a passion with sex. In nightlife I had enough energy by just dancing with girls. I learned that friendship with girls that understand your life, respect your choices, etc. Is the real gold. I am really speechless and pleased about the connection with some girls in my closed friend Circe. I never thought it would be mind blowing good to just have all the time epic conversations/backup from girls if I feel lonely.... Girls with a strong connection... Yeah I fucked them couple of times. But damn. Having a hot and awesome friend all the time next to you in chat or face to Face just to do activities is really under estimating. Sex is just sex. I love it. But thanks to my friends it is actually healthier to have sex with escorts. To keep it in balance. Everybody is talking at Lana her corset. All 3 girls are shining. But god damn Alexa. I am starting to feel weak if I see you in that outfit face to face 😂🤦🏼‍♂️☯️. I don’t know why. But blond hair was always my weakness. It is just too hot. Especially with an intelligent cute smiling girl in jeans and black outfit🤙
