10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 42316 - Text:  @darrianguffey6879  apparently people in porn affect other’s personal lives in the ways you, yourself, listed.

id: 42319 - Text: Yeah dawg, that's dumb as fuck; a lot of porn stars come from perfectly normal families... BUT even if they didn't, so what? Do you think the cashiers/service industry you interact with ALL have great family lives? should you stop shopping at a store if they don't hire people will stable family lives? STFU.

id: 42320 - Text: Such a BS, white knight response. This isn't everyone in the industry. Some love it and made it their life on purpose. My old boss is a pornstar of her own accord. She's not abused in anyway and isn't a druggie. This comment is an attempt at virtue signaling. You wanted brownie points and you got them. Try spending your "likes" at the store...

id: 42324 - Text: After seeing all the comments of men thinking every woman in porn is abused, I think I understand. You guys watch hardcore porn. Really rough stuff. That's the true reason why you guys "say" you stopped. You were already sick individuals and now that you think the girl may not have been acting (although continues to make more videos). Here's an idea! Stop watching revenge porn and thinking it's everyone! That's just your twisted mind. Watch regular porn like normal people smh. My former boss is a porn star. No drugs, No abuse, she just likes sex and she gets paid. You people are pathetic. It's one thing to understand that some are abused. It's another to act like every actress is doing the revenge porn that you're into. Smh "Oh my life is so much better after I quit" BS. These guys still beat their meat meaning they found some other stimulation.

id: 42326 - Text:  @lisadixon6617  Wishful thinking. I'd be embarrassed my mother was a pornstar

id: 42330 - Text: @Charlie Ennis you can usually tell when someone is uncomfortable. All the porn I've watched everyone was totally into it....

id: 42331 - Text: What did you think porn is? lMAO! They know from the beginning they were being subjected to sexual atrocities for the pleasure of men like you..they didn't walk into an office and just start getting fucked in the ass it was their choice.

id: 42335 - Text:  @alexmurphy5289  right... so you look at porn to stay loyal to your wife? I'm not getting the logic in that statement

id: 42342 - Text: Lmfao at all these beta coomers under the comments defending porn 💀💀

id: 42343 - Text:  @Evolution_10_X  exactly. And these porn addicts under the comments trying to defend porn by saying “not all porn stars have been abused” 🙄 ok maybe not all but in order for someone to enter that business you have got to have some serious issues. If any of these people would read or watch videos of what ex porn stars who have quit the industry say they would feel sick , unless theyre a sociopath.
