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id: 26322 - Text: This isn’t a prostitute. This is a TRAFFICKED CHILD. Wtf is wrong with these exploitative video platforms and this BS- she was an enslaved CHILD- and now if she’s a trafficking survivor who is TRAPPED in a traumatized survival state. And deserves help and deserves it. This is NOT a prostitution/ It is Fing HUMAN TRAFFICKING. She THINKS that her pimp is NOT a pimp and is her actual BF. She THINKS he cares. He is taking HER MONEY for the harm she is enduring to survive. If she’s high AF, on molly, she CAN’T even consent to any sex acts. End of story. Add to it that it is DUDE interviewing her and this is just disgusting and unethical AF. This woman is NOT a criminal OR a prostitute, she is a VICTIM. And she’s been brainwashed and broken to pieces. Those of us who’ve survived and are out here rescuing these sisters and others out the life and helping the heal and realize they were NEVER “hos”, NEVER “hookers”, NEVER prostitutes- That they are victimized, traumatized human beings work very hard against this kind of abuse and humiliation of survivors. Damn I’m so sick of this horrible stuff. “Well, thank you, I wish you the best”… Jackass, you had an opportunity to get her the help she needs and likely the god damn money to do it too. F this BS. I’m a human trafficking survivor and commercial sexual exploitation survivor- This is very exploitative of this woman/girl and I’m enraged at this damn channel/these people. You lack any ethics or decency at ALL.

id: 26337 - Text: I feel like watching these videos from whatever channel you chose to watch we are all cooperating in a system which allows this allows this to happen from a genocide in Africa from a debt collector in England to a prostitute in america this is a underbelly from which no one wants to acknowledge but to understand and resolve we have too. And there is no conventual way to help these problems which allows you to understand the misconception of government.

id: 26364 - Text: "I've been arrested millions of times - I just got out of jail" - The justice system thinks what this girl needs is more punishment. Since losing her virginity at 13 by being raped by a pimp who immediately set her to work as a whore on the street she's spent all her life being raped every day for money to pay the scum who profit from her. She can't see the daughter who is the one good thing in her life. She has "been pistol whipped, shot at, raped and kidnapped" and was stolen from and had what little dignity she has taken just two nights before the interview. She's out on the street where "its really scary" til the early hours and then goes to her hotel room and cries. But what she needs is more punishment? WTF?? If you can watch this video without crying with pain for her and screaming with rage at how she has been failed by her parents, the authorities, and pretty much everyone in her life you have no heart.

id: 26381 - Text: All of these interview titles have the same format. You wouldn't have clicked on the video if it just said "Amber". That doesn't mean anything without any context. lol

id: 26383 - Text:  @devadomino4624  *The general population of Youtube viewers are going to be much less inclined to click on a video titled "Amber". That title doesn't mean anything without any context. Better? If you think "lol" is bullying, you might be the softest person alive. lol. Your virtue signaling and fake moral outrage has no effect on me. I see right through you.

id: 26532 - Text: I have daughters and I can't even stomach how parents don't change themselves to help keep their kids out of a life like this. My heart breaks watching these videos.

id: 26541 - Text: Bruh at 21 i was playing video games 18 hours a day. Couple years later i started my job lol

id: 26570 - Text:  @TFRANCHISETHERILLA  No argument toward you either, Ted. "God" had nothing to do with you bettering yourself. It was YOU who bettered yourself, with help from others, most likely. YOU were finally ready for a change in your life, so you made it happen. You believing in God doesn't make it true that there is a God. It's disheartening, though, to hear you say he listens to these prayers, because in just this past week, he ignored all those prayers from those parents who routinely prayed for the safety and health of their children, who are now dead at such a young age by a very ugly form of violence (i.e., by men with a powerful gun). So he listens to some prayers but not others? Then, if that's the case, what's the point of praying? Yeah, maybe he'll listen to your prayers, but maybe not. Again, though, the truth of the matter is that nothing fails like prayer -- the statistics are overwhelmingly in favor of prayers having no effect whatsoever. And that's because there's simply no such thing as this made-up God. The prostitute in this video, if she's going to make a change, will ultimately have to hit a bottom like you did, and it's at that point, that she'll be on the road to bettering herself. She'll need help along the way, and that help will come in the form of a good therapist, and good teachers. Not by pretending there's such a thing as a God who lives up in the sky. Take care, my friend.

id: 26583 - Text: Is there an update video

id: 26631 - Text: You're 21, or 23 now I guess based on when the video came out, go to your grandma, get out of that world. I can't imagine what you're going through, and I know it's probably so much easier said then done, but go to your grandma, get out of that world! Your whole life is ahead of you, it's never too late!
