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id: 17735 - Text: So basically what we have ascertained from this interview is that if you try to get opioid drugs and you aren't willing to just pay for them like a regular customer, you are going to get abused a lot & the people who give you the free drugs or discounted drugs or whatever it is, they are going to want something in return like this guy who let you move in with him. When they don't get anything in return (hint- the vast vast majority are after being able to sexually use you 😉) or get too little in return they get mad and they throw you out and you wind up in the lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel begging someone to help you because your legs don't work right because you have been up on them and walking around for so many days in a row without resting just getting high and getting high and getting high, or you wind up getting thrown out of a warehouse in the middle of the night begging a cabbie to pick you up even though you have no money & the cabbie has to pay for the gasoline somehow.... Or you wind up in any number of situations that you have found yourself in. Direct results of trying to get people to give you drugs for free or cheap because they think you are "cute". Considering you're female and by the looks of you with the implants and everything I could imagine there are plenty of opportunities for you to try and take advantage of someone giving you drugs before they can take advantage of you giving them sex. Can you please get on the level and just put it plain out there; make it official agreement you give me drugs I'll give you sex I'll tell you it's even easier is if you just do dominatrix stuff like you said for money, then all you have to do is take 2 half hour clients- 1 hour of your time to make enough money to get high for the rest of the day. It sure beats having to spend hour after hour after hour 24 hours 36 hours with these clowns just to get them to smoke half their stash with you or let you muscle half the stash or whatever you do with them however method you guys are getting high. It's way way more fun to spend 1 hour making the money and then be able to spend the money on your own drugs in your own space not reliant on anyone for the rest of the 23 hours. Sure beats getting thrown out of a room at the Roosevelt Hotel. Or a warehouse for that matter.

id: 17751 - Text: "It made me they type of person who could not hurt anybody". I think that the reason I watch so many videos on this channel is to try and understand people. Through people's trauma I am trying to understand evil, because I never encountered it in my life. And while many of the sex offenders have been victims themselves, some people, like lady Clover here, choose (?) not to perpetuate the cycle of violence. What is it that makes some people kinder when they experience evil and why doesn't everyone respond in this way? Is empathy something you're born with? So, so kind soul. I wish her health and good human relationships for the rest of her life.

id: 17777 - Text: Awe this lady is very genuine. Thank you for sharing your life with us. Good for you for stripping the shame away from sexual abuse. That's huge

id: 17778 - Text: One day the filth of the world will suffer a pain so great for their crimes on the innocent. Children deserve love protection and to feel safe not drugged and sexualized

id: 17812 - Text: listening to these ladies stories of brutal incest and sex traffic as a child. the strength unknown power. this hits way too close to what I never want unto others as a child.... makes me think of the deep willpower to survive and to have real love and trust love makes us live "alone" for safety?

id: 17839 - Text: I am a victim of sexual abuse as a child. I am not going to lie when I say, it ruiined me. I would be a better person if that never happened to me. I will never ever be normal. I will always be haunted by nightmares and scared for the rest of my life. A lot of people tell me what happened to me makes me really strong and that I am a survivor because a lot of people would have ended their life if they were in my shoes. I do not want to be the strong person from my experience. I just wish they never happened. I will never get my childhood back. I will never get to experience what happy families have experienced. The only thing I can do now is make sure my daughter never EVER goes through what I went through and give her the life I never got.

id: 17841 - Text: The fact her step sister cut her own fingers and arm off to make men be put off from having sex with her makes me sick to the stomach. WHY is nothing being done to these poor children!?? I can’t believe this

id: 17859 - Text: God bless you, Clover. Thank you for sharing your incredible story. I agree with many of the comments, you are a beautiful, strong and courageous soul. I pray you are showered with abundance in the future, that all the needles are removed with as much ease as possible & that you’re surrounded with love & joy. Your sons sound wonderful, so glad they’re in your life. Your story keeps my mind searching for a way to spot these horrible pedophile sex trafficking monsters! As a society I wish for all of us to be on hyper-alert to any signs of child abuse, sex-trafficking, etc. If those stupid dimwit Hotel employees or Taxi Driver had any common sense or a shred of empathy they could have provided help. Shame on them. And quadruple shame on these Toddler Rapists who need to be punished for their evil and inhumane deplorable actions. How they could do this to an innocent infant, toddler, little girl is unimaginable. They should all be caught and punished!

id: 17909 - Text: Funny how most you interviews have 100k plus like . This one only 15k. The lowest I've seen. That let's you know how many are involved in sex trafficking. That watch your channel.

id: 17923 - Text: I love hallmark literally skips over the most important things that she says. He wants to know if she’s been in love before right after she said that she has a problem with anything sexual because of her childhood. How about ask a question about what she just f said
