10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 42566 - Text: Porn is the lowest energy. Guys, Be stronger, be better, try harder. Don’t feed into breaking women.

id: 42601 - Text: i have never watched porn but these video presentations are absolutely devastating. these poor souls. dreadful. this sets them up for further abuse. thank you for your work interviewing these people. its devastating. the abuse that they suffered you are doing a great service for the voiceless, the invisible and the destitute. i hope that they are get healing

id: 42612 - Text: poor thing, no wonder she got into porn

id: 42620 - Text: Yeah....she was prob just trying to pimp her name, yet we got no links to her porn!

id: 42653 - Text:  @SKuLLxKruSHeR  yeah I found it last week, thanks though, she did not do very much porn.

id: 42668 - Text: Her childhood was horrible, I hope she realizes she deserves to live better life, get out of the porn industry

id: 42690 - Text: It’s good to know that the compassionate people in the porn industry are taking advantage of these broken people and making money off them.

id: 42693 - Text: I don't know why people cannot get it through their heads that children do not grow up and become; criminals, drug addicts, alcoholics, porn stars, or struggle with their sexual identity or biological makeup. Adults are the problem, just watch these video interviews Mark has done with these people. Behind every single story is an adult(s)/parent who has abused these people in some manner and really messed them up for life.

id: 42695 - Text: When you see the brokennes in people who do porn, i have to say I regret ever contributing to their brokenness. Forgive me Lord, and I pray that they know that the asneer to their brokenness is Christ and his saving grace.

id: 42699 - Text: lets be real.....needs counseling big time....being in porno is surrounded by feces, urine, getting stds etc. very unhealthy. no self respect. they are the same girls in high school who were sluts, except most of these girls had some kind of guidance....went to college or married a decent guy
