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id: 17938 - Text: I like to think I'm non judgemental, but sex trafficking - can't get my mind around it.

id: 17968 - Text: Sadly, I’ve heard a lot about the child sex slave/trafficking from the Johnny Gosch case in Iowa - it went all the way from Nebraska/Iowa to the White House (Bush Sr as a Vice President). What’s fd up from the floor up is that guy sticking “100” sharp objects into her. If he’s still alive, that guy should be doing life in prison - and find God…

id: 18015 - Text: It's really, so common for music, bars,. Sex workers,.

id: 18090 - Text: I wish I could just hold this woman in my heart breaks for her. I've been researching child sex trafficking, and the fact shed been drugged is telling that the abuse she endured was beyond brutal. I'm so sorry...

id: 18094 - Text: She never had a chance at normal life but she keeps fighting. Sounds like satanic ritual abuse. There's a huge underground system out there and the baby girls are usually used as sex toys and torture objects and the baby boys are tortured and killed as sacrifices. I'm not sure which is worse. I pray for her and her inner child. I pray she finds all of the healing she can.

id: 18099 - Text: I don't care how much someone wants sex or money, it's never okay to contribute to the destruction of someones life to get it...

id: 18155 - Text: She's so sweet and Innocent in ways . I feel so sorry that all this horrible sexual stuff happened to her as a child it's disgusting that people would do such things to children. I wish her the best in life God bless her .

id: 18157 - Text: I've been listening to this while doing homework, but a few things stuck out to me. Hypnosis was big around the '80s and there was a rise in repressed memories being reported. There was a huge controversy about the accuracy of these recovered memories, but ultimately nowadays it has been proven that repressed memories recovered during hypnosis are false. There's a lot of research on this and videos on YouTube. Elizabeth Loftus is a famous name in false memory research. This is just a quick rundown, from a current Forensic Psychology graduate student whose lab does a lot of research on that subject. All this to say that as soon as she brought up hypnosis and recovering memories of sexual abuse (which again was very common during that boom I mentioned) I immediately knew to proceed with caution. A few questions are, how does a child chop off their own arm? What kind of equipment did they have access to? A kitchen butter knife wouldn't do. Did they use a chainsaw? How would a small child even maneuver the tool? A saw or other large sharp objects? I'd imagine they'd repeatedly have to use a back and forth motion, would they have not passed out from the pain? Especially being a small child. But regardless, in order to cut through an arm, it's no easy feat and would require some strength. Or if they truly did just chop it off, they'd need some force to slice it off. Secondly, how did the wound get treated? She didn't bleed to death, so she did receive some sort of attention. Was she taken to the hospital? Did the doctors not ask any questions about how a child lost their freakin arm? During the rape in the hotel, there were also witnesses. It is a bit hard to believe the employees didn't do anything, though it is possible due to the bystander effect so that isn't the biggest hole in her story. She also says she's been in movies and music videos, but I looked her up and didn't find anything. Though, I am doing homework so if someone else can find something let me know. Then there's her claim that her father is a famous guitarist. She mentions she was stolen as a baby. Would that really have gone unreported? A famous guitarist's child goes missing and no one's heard anything about that happening? That sounds like a delusion to me. Also, the idea that there are needles under her skin makes me think of meth mites or something similar, which is when people think there is something under their skin and even pick and scratch themselves. It can also be caused by heroin. The sores she has on her arm could be her attempt at removing these nonexistent needles. I've been binge watching a lot of these videos and they have all been very captivating, so it pains me to say this. She does admit in the video that she uses drugs and after years of drug abuse, there is probably some damage caused to the brain. I'm just saying maybe we shouldn't jump to accept everything she said as fact. Some of what she said might be true, but what happened to having a healthy amount of scepticism. At least some of the stuff she said warrants it.

id: 18192 - Text: Sounds like Illuminati sex cult

id: 18197 - Text: I strongly believe world would be better place if for humans sex didn't bring pleasure and was only for procreation . So much evil happens with people wanting to please themselves non matter the cost
