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id: 18226 - Text: These are the type of people that need to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ 🥲. The very ones Jesus came to shed His precious blood for. The lonely ones, drug addicts, homeless, the poor, sex trafficked, sexually abused as a child, the prostitutes, pimps etc etc. Jesus loves you, Clover. I hope you read this and know that Jesus really does love you and He wants a relationship with you, He wants your heart so He can make you a NEW person.

id: 18240 - Text: wow, i relate to Clover. Abused\sexualized as a kid, more attracted to men as a young adult and now in my 40's completely closed-off and scared and abstinent and loveless

id: 18258 - Text: I cant get my head around the fact that there are so many people who are willing to destroy another human being for money or there own sexual gratification. My heart breaks for this lady. It's obvious she was abducted as a baby, and this is how they end up if they survive.

id: 18271 - Text: Your so right their either over sexualized or their just completely drugged out or insane it’s so unfair

id: 18278 - Text: it is impossible that a person could experience so much emotional and physical trauma without experiencing some degree of delusion. Drug addiction creates fosters a false realty for the user, events and people become an unavoidable blur, a mirror that transmogrifies any lucid thought or memory. The only thing I take from this interview is that drug addiction and sexual abuse is a destructive and debilitating force on the human existence.

id: 18305 - Text: Thank you for having the guts to listen and share this stories!. I live a pretty comfortable life, with so much contrast with hers ... everywhere I go people offers me help and I feel like I can trust the world, take recreational drugs and fall asleep in parties, go home with man Ive just met for one night stand ... Ive do this things in North America, South America and Europe ... and Im always well treated ... I'm fine!... then How come she finds abusers pretty much everywhere she goes? I ask myself and Id like an answer ... I surround my self with spiritual people I am a therapist myself and something I often hear is that the is something called the power of resonance and manifestation ... and that we hold energy with us that attract experiences by resonance. Can It be posible that the non "digested" memories of her abused childhood creates this energy field of "look at me sexual abuse victim" that attracts sexual abusers? like pieces of a puzzle with magnets ... it breaks my heart to hear this stories where an individual just seems to attracts more and more of the same shit. but I see this content because I have hope that somehow being aware of this will lead me to understanding and finding ways to help people like this when they come to me as patients/clients.

id: 18366 - Text: It isnt all true. I'm her sister and I assure you she wasn't bought and wasn't sold for sex and I did not cut my own arm off lmao

id: 18389 - Text: I believe her and I wonder why the motivation to discredit her and others on this channel? The point is this: children are r*ped and sex trafficked every hour of every day and for hundreds of thousands of people, this is their story. Protecting children is our collective responsibility. That should be the main takeaway.

id: 18393 - Text: She was sexually abused and the boy was ritually killed..

id: 18460 - Text:  @sibr4111  The irony about the 'paying the taxes' ordeal is that after I turned 18, my mother wasn't home one day and I answered the phone to my Grandmother calling from Victoria and she gave me a message for my mother that she was sending the tax money for the house. I cautiously asked her how long she had been sending it and she told me that she had been since my Dad had died. My thought on this that just because a woman can give birth doesn't mean she will be emotionally/mentally capable of raising a child well. Some bent mothers are in competition with their little girl from the time it's a baby and on. Mother's sex-trafficking BS about paying the taxes was just a ruse to be cruel. it still carries a sting...
