58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 18486 - Text: Depression is not just sadness. Depression is self hate.... I was just lucky my therapist told me that.... she didn't have to.... maybe she realized I was not interested in long term therapy. idk Sex was something beautiful in my life and I just wonder why there is so much cruelty associated with it. It seems very unnatural to me.... like make up your mind please.

id: 18514 - Text: How horrific. Famous loser of a ''dad'' sometimes I wonder if how ANY of us survived. Child sex abuse kills the soul at least partly.

id: 18649 - Text:  @ilyabykov2437  I'm "Atheist" but I absolutely wish that hell was real for people like sex traffickers. It's fucking disgusting that sex trafficking even happens to people and that people would want to do that. I have a harder time with a world that doesn't have an afterlife than one that does because there are so many people that deserve to be in hell for abusing other people.

id: 18729 - Text: She wasn't sexually open when she was little, or attracted to older men: she was sexualised from early and groomed into behaviour that is not normal for a child. My heart breaks for her. From a fellow survivor : you're so strong. Thank you for speaking up.

id: 18741 - Text: Seriously 😔 I just keep thinking how much worse it could have been if she stayed oversexualized. She would be dead. It’s so devastating to think she may never share love with an adult in a healthy way. She just shut down that part of her heart and has kept it locked away. But if she kept selling her body over and over she wouldn’t have been able to reconcile that. She would’ve disappeared. And then the needle shit, for the love of humanity, where does this depraved shit come from… 😢

id: 18782 - Text: Most people in power are sexually blackmailed, that's why they won't help end human trafficking

id: 18783 - Text: So this ADULT is a "sex trafficking victim" yet another video is titled "child prostitute" see the huge problem with that? FIX YOUR TITLES MARK!

id: 18801 - Text: God knows. Oh; God KNOWS. And he is righteous in his anger with the abuse and atrocities done to children. Children are innocent. And what Clover indured was horrid. I cannot believe the lack of compassion of people, especially that taxi driver. May God bless and show his face to those like Clover, in dark places being done unimaginable things to show justice. I abhor child sex trafficking.

id: 18805 - Text: this might seen naive, but who is buying all this child sex? are there that many perverts? or is it that the few buy it over and over?

id: 18821 - Text: It's hard to have sex after that yes. U cry alot like fuck and cry fucked up
