58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 19013 - Text:  @alexandriacandler2877  I know she isn't telling the real truth. Our parents did not sex traffic her. Nor did I cut off my arm.

id: 19040 - Text: The follow up is..this is her reality. I am her sister. The one she speaks of in the interview. These things didn't happen. She suffered trauma after lchoosing drugs and leaving home. We had a good life. We were both legally adopted. I have both sets of paperwork and also found our birthparents. We were not sex trafficked. We lived in the same community our entire lives. I still know everyone and these things never happened. She is on drugs in Los Angeles somewhere. I will always miss her

id: 19043 - Text: She’s so strong for speaking out. If only she knew how much her stories impacted everyone and other survivors. Her accounts of her lack of interest in sex and being a loner after SA, I connected with. Thank you clover for your strength and candidness sharing this. It made me feel less alone in my experience. You are a good soul, your sons are lucky to have you ❤️

id: 19052 - Text: A great reminder of just how irrelevant the cops are to sex crime.

id: 19071 - Text: Let’s call child adoption what it is : child trafficking. You have to pay $1,000 just for the application They purchase the child Kids should live with blood relatives, it strangers And don’t get me started on homosexuals with children

id: 19155 - Text: i sure would like to find her mother and find out who else helped in that sex trafficing ring. and then beat the ever living crap out of everyone of them

id: 19162 - Text: The amount of men that participate in sex trafficking, even worse child sex trafficking, is terrifying

id: 19176 - Text: I have very early memories of sexual abuse oh, I don't know if I was trafficked as much as I was just turned out. The man whom my mother was having an affair with, started grooming me around 2 years old. Starting with odd objects and by the time I was 4 it was full penetration. There were pictures taken and dirty magazines. Somehow my sister and i wound up living with him and his wife. It was in a small Township not really Incorporated yet. I got traded around. I can't stand the sound of a camera on auto. I can't even stand the sound of tic tacs clicking. By the time I was eight I was already drinking and stealing my older sisters drugs. I stole my mother's Valiums as well. I believe you clover. I'm so very sorry that you had to go through what you went through. Please know that you're not alone. I have very large trust issues as well and sometimes I think my empathy bone is broken. I have a very difficult time attaching myself to people. I doubt that I've been in love. Promiscuous yes, fullest yes, ripe for abuse when I was young yes. I have not been in a real relationship. I'm 54 now. I'm glad that you have your sons to love. May God bless you and may your your travels be safe. Give your cat a kiss from me

id: 19177 - Text:  @ddz1375  Being trafficked is simply another term for being "turned out". If your mom lent you out to men, even if no one was paid that is sexual assault and forced prostitution. aka being trafficked where the commodity is human flesh, the most common form of human slavery today. Whatever you call it it doesn't matter absolutely vile and needs to be abolished from this earth.

id: 19189 - Text: Monsters do exist. They are people. I noticed something about the people dealt a bad hand from birth.. When you ask what life lesson they've learned, they don't have an answer. She had the same answer as the lady from Odd, WV. The lady from Odd was likely born into poverty and with severely disabled siblings, she has been stuck in that life. This lady was put into sexual abuse, drug abuse, and emotional abuse as a baby. Children raised in hopelessness don't know anything else. There are no life lessons. Their life is shit and all they know is survival. The only good thing in this lady's life was experiencing the love of mother and child. It's heartbreaking how many people live through hell day in and out.
