31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 29970 - Text: Mark, watching your videos makes me so grateful for the simple happy life I lead. This poor girl never had a chance; her grace shines through.

id: 30040 - Text: If there is anyone I would root for a better life, it is this young lady. I pray she allows someone to help her and if not you Mark then someone. She is very intelligent and street smart beyond her years. I picked up on something at the beginning of the interview before she said she was autistic but by no reason doesn't mean she can't have a very successful life. I'm going to keep this young lady in my prayers and that I see a video in the future that she choose a different pathway and is living a good safe life.

id: 30148 - Text: This is the first time I am watching such kind of interviews but honestly this the most amazing video I have seen so far.She is a strong girl.Thanks for making us aware about the them.I love her.

id: 30151 - Text: There are different types of sex workers. He calls them what they call themselves. He categorizes women based on what they claim they do. He has many videos with other types of sex workers, but not all sex workers are prostitutes.

id: 30169 - Text: You are incredible, Mark. I'm a clinical psychologist that has worked within various sectors within the healthcare field but I can't imagine the toll this takes on you. To hear these stories and move with empathy and kindness, even when you know sometimes there's literally nothing you can do but listen. I can't stress how much these videos have just changed how I think and feel. Thank you. You are incredible.

id: 30200 - Text:  @CraigFactsareFacts  i think that would be trying to pigeon-hole him, and as we've seen from these videos, you can't pigeon-hole people :p

id: 30231 - Text:  @torialgee3073  He's an interviewer doing what he loves. He has made it his job to go where most people won't. It's always good to see life from different people's experiences. I've gotten breakthroughs in my own life by watching his videos. His videos also remind us, it's always someone worse off than you. These videos have poured in to my gratitude ban. I pray for the people you interview and you too❤ Thank you Mark!

id: 30236 - Text:  @arytonandretti3785  I remember falling into a bit of a hole watching these videos from late at night to early hours of the morning. It brought me down for awhile and not being able to do anything for these people make it worse. Take a break and have a good rest away from your screen for awhile!

id: 30244 - Text: Sometimes you don’t realize how truly privileged you are until you watch these kinds of videos…you hear about things and read about them online…but it feels far removed…but your videos put a person to those stories…makes them real…and puts our trivial first world problems in perspective…thank you for opening so many peoples eyes…including mine

id: 30267 - Text: Mark. Thank you. What you do, is so important, I get prospective every single time I watch your videos, and I just started. You will get so far, and what you do for humanity will never be forgotten, and more then that, you raise awareness to situations people experience in everyday life, it has a big effect and impact, no body with a heart can see it and not have a reaction, thank you, God bless you and God bless the amazing people you interview. What you do is pure magic and I can feel it through the screen. You touch people souls, with your connection skills, or gift, or blessing. You are so good at what you do. 👏
