58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 19284 - Text: This woman is a few beers short of a six pack. A 3 year old cutting of its own arm because it knows it will be in the sex industry?

id: 19341 - Text:  @Dontworryaboutit.  what I mean is animals don't kill for some twisted sexual gratification. Dogs kill when provoked/bad history/bad training/no trust- you have no idea what happened to make them do that. Even a nice family dog will bite your kid if it climbs on them and pisses them off. I'm not an idiot.

id: 19360 - Text: OMG our lives are so similar ..adopted too. Steve Jobs was trying to rescue me and threatened them w jail. (Right before he got fired) Except my tendons weren't tore. Omg so similar I just my dad is a famous singer, I just didn't get addicted to any drugs other than nicotine and I refused sexy work I thought I was alone w this story, except I have a high powered Mason Grandfather and more famous people were in my life.

id: 19380 - Text: Presidential Diamond Level Mk Ultra Sex Beta Kitten programming....key words..Hollywood, musicians, actress, movies, eye flash, cat, Science, yoga, stollen at birth from Elites, orphanage, drugs, sex Science trafficking, adopted, mental health etc. My prayers are with her and I pray for her deliverance and free dome from mental captivity

id: 19520 - Text: Omg honestly I don’t know if I can watch this. 3 minutes in and she’s already talking about child sexual abuse and exploitation by the elite of society. Ugh this makes me so so soooo sick!!! And unbelievably ANGRY!! I hate this world

id: 19563 - Text: Back in 2018 I was on a bus stop coming from 🎯 for my client and I saw a car as I was looking side ways but didn’t think nothing of it and than I said let me turn all the way around and when I did i saw a beige tinted old mode car and I saw the window roll down to see a white lady in her early 30s with a Russian accent ask me can she take me home I said no I’m ok and I said to myself either this is sex trafficking or harvest of organs 🖊

id: 19571 - Text: I have never heard from anyone who had been sexually trafficked. Astounding and eye opening. Thanks, Mark

id: 19608 - Text: Clover I really am sorry to hear that you had such a rough life. There are so many sick perverted people. I hope the lady that was sex trafficking you rots in hell. You are an amazing human being and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Praying for you 🙏

id: 19619 - Text: So sad. People are so sick in this world. Seems like a very strong woman that survives all by herself. I believe this type of stuff definitely happens. I can imagine it would be very hard to be sober after all that, but my fear is her overdosing and she's all by herself. Maybe running into the wrong people while buying drugs. Poor woman. Feel terrible for people that are victims of sex trafficking. Has to be a way to crack down on it more and try to stop these situations.

id: 19723 - Text: I am a mother and I couldn't imagine ever hurting my child or someone else hurting my child. I myself am a victim of sexual and physical abuse as a child so I understand the pain you went through. I am so happy that you made it through this horrible childhood and that you are helping other women. Bless your soul and i wish you nothing but happiness and love
