31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 30317 - Text:  @meyeneetuks4680  we can all have opinions but honestly it’s hard to watch a video of someone we don’t really know and think we have the full story or even that we know what would be best for said person. I love Marks videos because it allows people to tell their story and instead of being judgmental and harsh, maybe we should all learn to come from a place of love. Comment the way you’d want to be spoken to if your story was out for the world to listen to.

id: 30320 - Text:  @Alexiss_06  you sound like a single mom yourself, how can you say this nonsense after watching this video?

id: 30386 - Text: One universal truth with the majority of the people in these videos is they come from a dysfunctional family. You can tell there wasn’t much if any love in these households when they were babies/kids. Some of these videos are hard to watch all the way through because it triggers stuff that happened to me especially the bullying in school which I dealt with all through school until I dropped out. Got tired of fighting all the time and it has effected tremendously in my adulthood because I don’t trust people at all and my relationships with people are basically me just tolerating them instead of actually having feelings for them. My late great Grandmother is the only person I had a healthy relationship with. After she died what little bit of trust I had died with her.

id: 30401 - Text:  @alyssag.5758  she already said she was autistic in the beginning of the video. She takes meds

id: 30422 - Text: Out of all these videos. She is one I see that need 1. Chance. 1 shot. 1 opportunity she is lost. Who do you learn from if your mama and daddy ain’t. No good

id: 30486 - Text: I fell in love with her within two seconds of this video.

id: 30513 - Text: I realize I am not strong enough to watch this entire video and I want to hurt the perpetrators. My heart goes out to the victims...

id: 30569 - Text: It is so sad that all of the people living these dangerous lives are having babies and then their children are continuing this viscious cycle,because it's all they know and it just goes on and on and on.Soo soo many of these people would be so different and lead such a different life if they ever had a fighting chance. These videos and interviews bring light to these people and what they go through every single day,they're in survival mode.That is a hard way to live day in and day out.You are always on edge not knowing or having any security or stability in their lives.Being Abused by the world and even the ones who are supposed to love and care for you and abusing themselves. I hope that the people who walk around judging these marginalized people can find some kind of understanding and compassion and empathy in their heart to see not everyone has the resources or havent been taught any other way of life.Noone says as a little kid ,"I wanna grow up and be a drug addict, a prostitute or homeless.They all started out with Hope's and dreams and goals

id: 30579 - Text: You need help. It's obvious that you're deteriorating. For you to be so high that you're admitting you have an addiction on SWU video comment section and you will never stop,... when noone even asked. I pray you get help

id: 30639 - Text: Yes, some of us don’t realize how good we have it, because the world is always pushing us to do more. These videos make me thankful for my mother and the life that I have 😢💕
