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id: 20401 - Text: I have absolutely no doubt that Clover was sexually abused and pimped out by her adoptive "parents" from early childhood - that's not too uncommon. If any further details she has shared are inaccurate, I think it would still be wrong for anyone to say that she is lying. There are many situations under which a person may internalize false or inconsistent beliefs about their past without having any intention to lie. Sometimes it could be a person who needs answers and has trouble making sense of the memory fragments they do remember; sometimes it has to do with psychosis or brain damage. It also sounds like she underwent some "recovered memory therapy" (she talks about having been "hypnotized"). Especially in the '80s and '90s, there was a lot of shady stuff going on with VERY unqualified therapists who would claim to be able to help traumatized people recover lost memories and ended up brainwashing them into believing false memories. Look up Pat Burgus for one such case.

id: 20436 - Text: I’m certainly not denying that this woman has been abused, but I think the stories about needles and remembering nothing, is her way of coping, I do not believe that this happened every time. But the mind is fragile, and perhaps she chooses to believe certain things went down in a way, so she can truly be the victim, instead of having to face that she has been and is, a sex worker, a product of her addiction and the horrible things that she’s had to face, since she can remember. But knowing a bit about how it works out on the streets , from what I’ve learned, not just from channels like this, but also have daughter social workers, who deals with many homeless and drug addicted people, that it’s unlikely that someone ( in her case everyone ) took the time to drug her up, each and every time she was used sexually, is a bit hard to swallow, and I think she is so damaged, and she really believes this, or she just can’t cope. Just as hundreds of needles are stuck in her body. She seems like a good person, who simply can not face the endless sex, drugs, then having to do it all over again to sustain her drug addiction. It’s much easier to believe you were drugged ! As a child I’m sure she was at times, maybe most of the time, but no needs to drug you when you are reduced to having to perform sexual acts to get drugs or money. I do believe that SHE believes that, she has been drugged and forced into this. If not, she’d have to face the reality of her life, and maybe that’s just too much……

id: 20444 - Text: I was her best friend as a kid. I'm still friends with her sister. I was literally there for her childhood, I knew her family, and a lot of these so-called memories are absolutely false. Think about it...what three-year-old would mutilate herself as protection from sex traffickers? Her sister (both were legally adopted, btw, NOT foster kids as she claimed) was a thalidomide baby, born with a partial arm. Heavy drug usage has rewired her brain. She got into some shit as an adult but the childhood claims simply weren't true.

id: 20502 - Text: what exactly does trafficking mean . not to be blunt but it's always described as kids just hanging with couples.. are women raping children? does sex occur and children don't remember . I truly don't understand . is child sacrifice really more common than we know? is Qanon right.?

id: 20529 - Text: @N K  It has nothing to do with Qanon or child sacrifice. Trafficking is about selling people - both children and grown ups - often for sex - sometimes for worse.

id: 20578 - Text: I see many comments saying this is not true. We none really know. I do know trauma is real, sex trafficking is real. It is so evil and sad. We need to do more to bring awareness to this dark, evil horror. Thank you Clover for telling you story. You are a strong woman. You have survived. I wish you peace in life. Praying for you and your safety as you travel. Prayers that you can rid your life of drugs. You have so much to offer. Love to you. ❤️

id: 20582 - Text: Sadly this will be another story that fall on deaf ears. Stories like this and their implications go so deep often at the highest levels of our culture no one believes with these poor people of they are saying. Not to mention Hollywood have done such a good job to make these dark rituals and sick the people that preform them in movies and tv so cartoonish that when regular people hear about them their knee-jerk reaction is to discount them. There are sick people out here guys, and they do things that go way beyond the sexual preference. They wish to appease darker forces that they believe give them the power and wealth that they have.

id: 20641 - Text: Idk other than that these are selfish& self-centered people. People that worship false idols hmmm.... Anything could be an idol not just a statue of bael etc. For me my idol was cocaine and strippers. I am clean for 40 days and no longer could have the thought in my head of paying a women to objectivefy herself in front off me along with money thrown her way by me for sex. But that being said they will be judged in the end . Do to the drugs I was a dishonest thief to the loved ones around me. If I wanted some thing I'd take it from you behind your back. Didn't even care about who's feelings I hurt and bridges being burned. In Matthew ch 6 it tells you too forgive. Cause if you can't forgive how will God forgive your transgressions that you have done. Anyway I'm here too talk if you need be. Pm if you need too.

id: 20646 - Text:  @parisa5014  just went through a very bad experience. Went to a couple of psych wards while I was in college started doing coke and I mean non stop my gpa was close to a 4.0 because the coke would help me focus. Also started the strip club thingy and coke and sex go hand and hand. Blew all my money on sex and drugs. Was left with nothing so I started stealing and lies a lot of lies to my family and even some friends for money. Sold my car sold all of my possesions made a tinder account and noticed creepy ass perverts wanted dick pics of me and even weirder pics of my feet lol did that a couple of times. So I ran my credit to the ground I'm in a huge amount of debt it's mostly paid off now. And I always believed In god. But never had a relationship with him so gave my life to him again. Started watching sermons and reading the Bible and I'm in a drug program currently now 40 days sober. And now am part of a congregation doing little tasks like reading during bible studies. God is good.

id: 20675 - Text: Same. I protect my daughter with my life. I suffer ptsd from sexual abuse I endured… I am overly protective over my child for that reason.
