58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 20693 - Text: YES! Whenever I try to tell my adult son that this type of stuff is going on, he says Satanic Panic has been debunked years ago. So many of the people featured here were sexually abused at an early age by people who seem to have been pure evil or possessed. And this problem never seems to get any better as the years roll on. What other explanation is there?

id: 20710 - Text: They're not demons. They are people who were raised wrong- too much suffering and deprivation and cruelty in their lives. Especially during childhood this causes brain development that leads to sociopathic psychopathic cluster b personality disorders. The sickest saddest part of it is it is almost 100% preventable in that the social conditions that cause this stuff are are being caused by wealth gaps that are too large: people living in conditions that are totally fixable like this woman here all she needed in life to be able to be able to grow up in a way that would have allowed her brain to develop optimally is for homosexuality to be accepted and for her father to have had zero reasons to hide that in his lifetime. So she would not have abandoned two sons had people been allowed to say gay in Florida at the time that she was growing up.

id: 20713 - Text: It really bothers me when I think of the fact that pimps or the traffickers don't care at all that this is someone's daughter they're doing this kind of stuff to. It's staggering how many girls and even some boys end up in situations like this - a lifetime of misery and modern day slavery. It's just close to impossible to get out of unless they're forcefully taken away by law enforcement. We need more people working undercover to identify trafficked girls working in the sex trade, once they're identified, LE can then get involved and get the traffickers. The punishments for human trafficking need to be scary and ruthless (I think they're not harsh enough at the moment).

id: 20765 - Text:  @custardgannet4836  do you not think that people sell children for sex? It mustve been much easier to not get caught in the 70s when she was probably growing up. She likely embellished some things, but it would probably be a symptom of her trauma and drug abuse that is a result of her trauma

id: 20788 - Text: We need to be vigilante by recognizing sex traffickers to keep all kids safe. Some parents can’t take care of their own which is why those that can, keep an eye out. Breaks my heart that this twisted shit goes on!

id: 20819 - Text:  @thatdude3977  wtf! That was so inaccurate: men will pay for sex from anyone. Believe that. She was still on those streets until her father & mark forced her to get help or go to jail. She was doing amazing. What a POS you are.

id: 20825 - Text:  @thatdude3977  nothing to do with beauty. Beasts out there still abuse anything, beautiful or not. She died because on the streets her body took too many blows to the head, sexual abuse & too much trauma on her body. Even though she did so so well in rehab, the past caught up with her body.

id: 20833 - Text: Basically all of these videos are all the same. They've all been sexually abuse since childhood and they fabricate a lot.

id: 20883 - Text: Yoga means yoke or unite with the spirit. This spirit is supposed to be the spirit of the universe but it is an anonymous one, and even though yoga is marketed to attract every kind of people specially non religious the deeper or more advanced you go the clearer it gets that it is actually quite religious. It is quite ancient not as ancient as Genesis of the Bible but quite ancient and it has ties with worship to sex and fertility and the sun and everything nature. If you do deep research you will even go as far down the rabbit hole and see that sex and fertility were worshipped with baby sacrifices and orgies. That is why many of those civilizations were at one point wiped out because of the evilness of their worship.

id: 20893 - Text: This is so true. These illegal adoptions for sex trafficking were going on a lot in the 70's and 80's. This poor woman has been through hell. There are some evil people in this world.
