31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 32209 - Text: I respect the positivity and all, but I’m just trying to catch the reasoning to why y’all feel sympathy for people like this? It’s not like they’ve been trapped forever and she even said it herself; she came from a good family. It was her decision to feel the need to runaway at 16, her decision she has to look over her shoulder for almost every car/truck, her decision she choose this route to get back her children in which she lost in the first place;and it was her decision to still choose to do the video but to also still choose to wear a spaghetti strap bikini showing all skin possible, prolly to “promote” Not trying sound like a bad person or anything, it’s just they’re far more people out there that are actually homeless, that actually came from a troubled childhood, we have people with mental issues.I just feel there is no room for help for such selfish people like this

id: 32224 - Text: Thank you Mark for giving a voice to people who usually are shunned and ignored by society. I specially love the videos about sex workers because not only do they talk about their lives, but I can also see their personalities, intelligence and even potential to do something else. Again, thank you a lot Mark.Also, I see a very smart person in Cheyenne, she is extremely genuine about her lifestyle and how addictive in can be.

id: 32345 - Text: The courage this woman shows is exceptional. That said, she is very clearly and presently tormented from within. The impression is that she does what she does because she feels she's not worthy to be more. It's all about how she sees herself and defines her self-worth and therefore actualizes what she feels she deserves in life. As insightful and truly real as these videos are; this will be the last I can view - I took in two prior to Cheyenne's story and that's it - Personally, it's just too painful to hear and not be able to help. Thanks to the film maker for an exceptional effort - It's a work that has to be done for it brings a truth that must be known. Peace to All

id: 32407 - Text: This is what she was wearing when I picked her up. The fact that she’s almost naked is in part why her video was demonetized.

id: 32411 - Text: I think this as well when I watch these videos

id: 32462 - Text: I think when she said her boyfriend isn't a pimp she meant he's worse than a pimp he is a gang banger. She said she was in worse situations and didn't have money for clothes, sandals, food, but in the video she looks like she's not wearing underwear. I don't know why she thought prostitution was a way to get her kids back.

id: 32527 - Text: Your videos are like documentaries

id: 32574 - Text:  @augustojoseramonpinochetug5235  Hmm. So you are a nurse practitioner who works in an ICU using an anonymous handle on you tube and you feel very empowered calling all physicians ‘quacks’ based on a comment on a video? Or is it just physicians who specialize in psychiatry? Either way, its rather flippant and reactive. Well, thanks to AB890, NPs and physicians are now ‘equal’ in scope in this state, so you all no longer need physicians to supervise you or even ‘collaborate’ on patient care, which makes sense since you so aptly stated that physicians are all ‘quacks’. Or maybe just physicians who are psychiatrists. I wonder what would happen if all of us ‘quacks’ stopped staffing the 365 day, 24 hr call for the California dept of corrections which houses 100k+ inmates, w/ 33 prisons that house 7 licensed inpatient psychiatric facilities? Or if quacks walked out of LA County’s four psychiatric ED’s?

id: 32659 - Text: Whenever I have gotten a job, I get the money. No one takes part of it. After watching a number of these videos I've noticed that so many prostitutes are in so much denial with this. The guy who is her pimp ( and yes, he is a pimp) is coasting off of her, which is what they all do to one degree or another. Watch just a few of these videos and you can see so many common threads. They almost all have kids, and they universally do care about them. They all care about their children and it is usually the only thing that they truly care about. But they so often never care about the kids enough to stop. Cheyenne said it right, and I have heard it before from others. This is an addiction. It's self harming. Cheyenne isn't getting all her money every time she turns it. She's willing to give everything up for this, and yet she had a very happy childhood. This is not typical for a woman in her position. So much going on here, and I wish so much that she would do a lot of soul searching and attempt to figure out why she is in this place. I hope a thousand times better for her.

id: 32699 - Text: I can't feel sorry for a bitch that fully and knowingly makes crazy decisions in the moment and cries about it later. We have to stop pretending like everyone deserves a pass or sympathy - being enablers of the bullshit - because these bitches know that no matter what, they can cry later and garner support. Yes, some people make mistakes, I'm not saying that it doesn't happen, but when these bitches commit to a lifestyle that they know isn't right, then get on camera and cry later, I can't support that. PS: I'm just making a general statement that may or my not be applicable to the girl in the video. It's for whoever. If the shoe fits, wear it.
