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id: 20902 - Text: Sex trafficking

id: 20933 - Text: Everyone hating on Anna when she was right lol. Her sister (with the one arm) and childhood friends have said that her childhood story is a lie. People, don’t be so quick to believe junkies. After you know some for awhile you know you can t trust what they say. And the huge red flags saying that a 3 year old is able to figure out what sex trafficking is even able to cut her own arm off. And everyone seems to be drugging her. Shame on her for dragging her families name through the mud.

id: 21034 - Text: She literally was about to talk about Pizza gate and then mark changed the subject…. That irked me because if she’s a sexual traffic survivor who has a famous father and was passed around government officials etc why not let her finish her story???? She was about to drop gems but we now have dust… I wanted to know more about her childhood she already said she’s been on drugs most of her life I mean…. This could’ve been an insightful interview

id: 21062 - Text:  @PillarOfGrace  it's best not to pause/stop a video 5min in, as she explained what was happening to her. These are not lecturers or public speakers. They are people, some of whom had very seriously traumatic childhoods and haven't had the therapy to be able draw up their entire life stories in an organized, cohesive linear fashion much of the time. But if you stick it out sometimes you can get an idea of what's going on. She was sexually trafficked as a child by degenerates. 80,000 children go completely missing worldwide every single year. Sadly, Trauma can cause a life of misery for many

id: 21160 - Text: She was sex trafficked.....omg

id: 21200 - Text: If a little child is being sexually abused and neglected I absolutely believe they would self harm.

id: 21218 - Text:  @Jay-Jones  are you aware that you can take of your arm other ways not by your bare strength? I know a girl (also veylry young and sexuaky abused) that put her hand into meat grinder (electric one) and a man who put himself under the train to loose a leg on purpose...

id: 21258 - Text: Bro really just got Autism. He need to get therapy once his pay go up, work on sexual self control and then hit the dating apps for women who are in his league socially. He already has a respect for women and is articulate so thats a foot in the door.

id: 21262 - Text: He sounds like a sex addict .

id: 21265 - Text: This is why prostitution needs to be legalized, there's so many lonely men who need to have sex and can't because it's illegal. It's not fair or right to make these kind of men suffer or make them criminals. Sex crimes would go down over night if they legalized it.
