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id: 21287 - Text: Jayjeezy you can turn it around bro and find a woman that will love you, there's plenty out there. Try not to use the prostitutes as much and put the money into dating instead. You look very defeated and down in this interview so if that's your every demeanor, that's what you need to work out. Woman won't just come along and find you, they don't do that. You've got to put the effort in, fake it till you make it man. Act like you're very confident, smile and laugh, don't ever look down, chin up and spend a bit of money on some good clothes and labels, get a good haircut. When you dress good you feel good, that alone gives you some confidence when you know you're dressed better than everyone around you. But you still have to have the confidence to talk to woman, but you can find it. Even just going on dating apps, you'll eventually get some dates and just keep building confidence. The sex is an addiction for both your enjoyment but half of it is to boost your self-esteem. If you start doing it less and less, the addiction to it will fade. And with any dates; don't mention the foot fetish haha. Wait till the honeymoon.

id: 21292 - Text: I dont think two or three times a week is a lot, people have sex with their mates about the same.

id: 21306 - Text: IN a way he seems worse off than the women bc at least they make money for the sex and have people who want them and usually a bf or someone. He has NO one .

id: 21359 - Text: This shits depressing, I'm so glad to be in a normal relationship and not paying for something you can get for free with a little bit of effort and time. I can see how once you start paying for prostitutes it's probably really addictive because you can basically make them do whatever you want. But it really messes with your mind and your perception of women. It's like porn addiction but worse. I honestly have a hard time enjoying sex if my partner isn't enjoying it and want to keep it that way... Nothing can replace the bond between a man and woman who truly care about each other. You can't get that from anything else.

id: 21412 - Text: I mean, but sex two or three times a week is normal for a man that can’t find a girlfriend. I wish more men would go to sex worker and stop trying to fuck for free. You either give great relationship or money fellas. Pick one.

id: 21416 - Text: Wait so he don't want the cops to know but his face is not covered?! Wow listening to this guy is sad. He's very lost and have low self esteem. He seems intelligent but then it's like something is missing at the same time. He has a sex demon on him.

id: 21418 - Text: This is why I think prostitution should be legal. This guy is smart. We ad men really don't need women for nothing but sex. Enjoy your life young man. It gets better with age.

id: 21437 - Text: You can’t ask square women for sex worker deeds that’s why he can’t find someone

id: 21463 - Text: Man you’re gonna be fine bro, you’re talented with music and obviously have several gifts. For men tho, that sexual urge we have is MONSTROUS and unfulfilling, it takes over all of us sometimes. You’ll get out of this life and it won’t overtake you bro.

id: 21478 - Text: Y'all talking about y'all hope he finds a decent woman. Nawll....he needs to seek help for his sex addiction first! A good woman is not going to cure him. I wish him the best though....he seems like a good guy
