31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 33705 - Text: The more I look at these videos, the more I think the majority of women CHOOSE to do this work and its not any trauma or is forced to do it.....they mostly choose this freely. Like this woman, they say its the sexual power and money. Most, like her admit they had a great childhood. Really nobody to blame but themselves yet we all want to enable this behavior and force trauma on people who had little. Honestly I've been to countries where there is REAL trauma, I mean unspeakable acts committed against people and most seem to fight out of it, but here in the US.....if somebody father yelled at them they said it "made me a prostitute" or whatever. Americans have lost their strength and resilience.

id: 33713 - Text: FYI, the link is in this video’s description.

id: 33720 - Text: You stated you are what you do; no offense, but you are a person first and foremost! You are not being punished by God. We have to have enough faith & loyalty and stand alone & strong, and be humble enough to stand strong with God. I understand your pain, yet not fully because you carried the child. August 24, 2011 my little girl Analisa, was born- yet died 3 minutes later. I cannot fathom the pain and anguish you and my baby's mom must have gone through losing a child. To lightly correct you once more, you are not what you do for a living- I won't judge you ever. Not for that or anything. You are a person and a good person from what I see from the video. Keep your faith alive, and keep yourself safe. I understand you have your man (he has excellent taste by the way) but when either one of you want to talk, I am here for you guys.

id: 33731 - Text: We are all voyeurs watching these videos, looking at people we either relate to or are bewildered by a life we can't comprehend. The people that are involved in these interviews come in freely to extend to the viewer their explanations as to why they choose the lifestyle they live. I congratulate their honesty.

id: 33751 - Text: Mark you should post your restricted videos on "Rumble"

id: 33778 - Text: Does he get demonetized on the videos where they're fully clothed too? If so, youtube is worse than i thought

id: 33779 - Text: Did his channel get demonetized as a whole or just some videos?

id: 33780 - Text:  @tosehoed123  You can definitely struggle with demonetization for explicit or controversial language and skimpy clothes, but it's usually totally doable and depends on the context. I think what happened here is that they're being marked as AGE RESTRICTED specifically, like they limit it to profiles registered as adults. And when videos or channels get age restricted, it also keeps those videos from being pushed nearly as much in people's suggestions and the algorithm. So it's deeper than just individual demonetization. Age-restriction is like the worst thing that YouTube can start classifying a channel's content as, because the effects of that go beyond just demonetization. I think in this case, it's the dark nature of these real life experiences including thing like violence, abuse, addiction, and sex work and not just because of some vulgar language or skimpy outfits. It's the seriousness and traumatic nature of the subject matter. Thankfully, he started a Patreon and I am sure he'll be earning more than enough from that.

id: 33789 - Text: YouTube only wants liberal fantasy world videos to go up that don’t put minorities in a bad light . Obviously that’s not possible with this channel so yea…

id: 33841 - Text: 🤔 do you tell Hallmark to play football games? I think everyone who watches his videos understands his genre.
