58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 21810 - Text: This guy gets it. It's so much easier AND CHEAPER to pay for sex than to waste energy having a girlfriend. The world has become a debaucherous place.

id: 21834 - Text: Confidence is your best friend that's what he needs.. even if u think your not attractive by females. Just off confidence alone can get u sex..

id: 21869 - Text: Thankyou Jayjeezy for being so open. I hope you don't mind me saying but has anyone ever said that you might have Aspergers syndrome. One of the biggest things for people with aspergers is social anxiety, and knowing boundaries. It just made me think. I hope that the right woman finds you. There will always be people who will try and scam those who appear vulnerable. It's ok to have fetishes, and I can understand why, because of your past experiences with women that you feel safer buying sex than trying to get into a relationship with someone.

id: 21872 - Text: Paying for sex??? 😳

id: 21886 - Text: 48 year old man here, never married, no children, never had a girlfriend nor the prospect of one. I feel this young man on so many levels. I’ve been paying for sex for almost 30 years and counting , I’d rather date and or be in a loving relationship but after being self conscious, low self esteem shyness than prostitutes are all we have.

id: 21896 - Text: He looks like he has a cognitive disability. And why can't he get sex the normal way instead of through prostitution? I know he's unattractive but damn.

id: 21915 - Text: I don't care what sob story he has. The moment you give a woman money to have sex with you , you gave up your respect and dignity as a man. You have no values and you have no morals. I just can't respect him nor can't I Feel sorry for him. He also looks homeless. What woman would touch you? Seriously , he needs to get his stuff together and people need to stop lying to this man. He's not a good person.

id: 21945 - Text: Condoms are man made. Every time I have sex I put several on the bed 1. Wetness/natural lube doesn’t equate a condom not breaking 2. Having them in the bed vs the nightstand GREATLY raises the chances of putting one RIGHT THE FUCK ON instead of asking, begging, playing “dodge the dick” until the soldier has his helmet đŸȘ– on. 3. It’s just fucking easier. 4. Can’t waste what’s used; expensive or cheap condoms - you used it? It broke immediately? Not a waste 😊 5. Put it on accurately. Put it on accurately. Put it on accurately. 6. STOP - don’t slow down, go deeper or faster
 stop, check the condom, make adjustments AND TAKE SOME TIME —- getting caught, it over with, a quick nut is one thing & a broken condom is another. Besides, your body parts are not ‘highs’ the sensations are. Don’t hurt your genitals RUSHING, NEEDING to get a plan B, breaking EVERY condom because ONE/BOTH of you have 0 patience. 7. Stop judging yourself for being young & not getting erect/wet INSTANTLY after taking a broken condom break. Jumping right back into sex will break another condom & start y’all over. That’s all Take better care

id: 21974 - Text: Love, I know life did this to you so you’d feel like you’re lame because you’re not a gangster or whatever. When I look at you I see a handsome young man who just needs loving and a kind woman by his side who has his back. You’re actually really attractive! And you’re voice is sexy!!! You saying you prefer being a regular tells me that you’d probably not go around cheating if only you had a girl who’d sincerely love you and the sweet man that you are inside. I really wish you can believe all the compliments folks are making you here. And don’t look at yourself as perverted! You’re not!! You’re just lonely. I’d be so proud if I could call a man like you MY man.

id: 22017 - Text: I don’t think he wants a friend. He wants sex. And willing to pay for it because he’s obsessed with women and getting a nut
