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id: 22025 - Text: This poor baby!!!! I hope he finds someone to love him properly and understands him I hate he has to sec out companionship like this….it’s like he understands that this is nothing but sex

id: 22029 - Text: Good, now everybody will know you treat women like sex objects and no woman will take you seriously.

id: 22036 - Text: This is Jayjeezy I’m the one being interviewed . Thank u all for your kind words and support.I am thankful and grateful for this opportunity to be on SWU.I took the chance and flew out to LA myself to be interviewed.I’m still trying to do n be better and get my life together and get my cdl. I’m still trying to understand and find myself and my purpose. I’m still trying to figure out how to be a man. I doubt anyone will want me at this point but it’s cool I’m humbled and am grateful that people out here support me.I really want to get my cdl and change my life and still working towards that. I’m still seeing women until this day and it’s all I know now and believe ill never be wanted by any real woman. the fetish and the perversions have overpowered me to where I feel utterly confused.I became infatuated with sex workers and it’s an irresistible feeling. I just feel lost but I’m trying to become the better man and the better version of myself and wanted to open up despite the ridicule and mockery. Thank u mark for giving me to chance to speak and thank u to everyone who volunteered to hear me out I really appreciate it.

id: 22066 - Text: You can be loved, and can find a good relationship. You sound like maybe you feel down about yourself. You deserve to be happy. Never doubt that. If you continue to see sex workers, please be as respectful as possible. They are doing extremely difficult work.

id: 22100 - Text: I’m praying for you. I’m praying for your confidence and your healing. When you get your CDL, be careful with those sex workers. Waaay more risky and dangerous. You can find someone genuinely. Until then, keep praying and stay being kind.

id: 22126 - Text: A lot of men and women have sexual struggles. The fact you try to understand and improve yourself is what makes you a true man.

id: 22158 - Text: Jay, I don’t wanna tell you what to do, but I do recommend therapy. There are SO many resources out there for services like therapy. All you have to do is look. From what I gathered in this interview, you lack self esteem, confidence, and you probably feel undeserving of a fulfilling life and relationship. Therapy will help you gain that, as well as help you with the unhealthy sexual habits you have. Even now, if you re-read your comment, you still seem to feel undeserving of a real relationship with a real woman. Another piece of advice is to start taking that money you use on your extracurricular activities, like using the services of sex workers, and invest them in yourself. Your wardrobe, skin care, shoes, hair cuts, the CDL license, etc. And my most important piece of advice is to have an actual plan. Literally grab a pen and paper and write out step by step what you’re gonna do to get the license, get therapy, invest in yourself, and anything else you need to do. Your concern shouldn’t be who wants you or not. Your concern should be making yourself a viable candidate for a relationship. You have to build yourself up before you get in a healthy relationship. If that’s what you want, of course. Not to mention, you gotta choose better women when you’re ready for a relationship.

id: 22159 - Text:  @Chocolatedream__  yes good advice I don't want this guy to turn into a sexual predator

id: 22206 - Text: Hey, I don’t know if you will read this but I hope this testimony will bless someone who is going through a similar situation. My husband will soon be 40 all his life he was called retarded and dumb by family members and people because he was intellectually delayed. That cause him to have anger and isolate himself. When he was around 20 he was charged with a felony for being an accomplice to an attempted robbery, in prison I believe he had an encounter with Jesus. And the Lord blessed him to only serve 1 year in bootcamp. Fast forward years later he gave his life to the Lord came to church and stopped drinking smoking partying and etc but the curses and words he grew up hearing still had an effect on him. He received social security for disability checks from a child all through adulthood and worked warehouse jobs occasionally but never consistently. Later I met my husband When I miraculously got invited to church from my friend’s grandmother but we didn’t date at the time. I was molested as a Child and had many sexual perversions including pornography addiction I was very paranoid and suicidal and when I found Christ he delivered me , my husband and I later at church and married in 2019 . Because of his felony he was denied a truck driving job but that didn’t stop him from believing so he decided to go to school, but because he didn’t have a high school diploma or his GED he was not eligible to go to cdl school for free and we had no money. God made a way for us to be approved for a personal loan to put him in school. For 20 + years he was told what he couldn’t do which crippled him and caused him to doubt. My husband is now 39 he got his CDL A LICENSE in 3 WEEKS and got hired at the Job that declined him and is now able to provide for me and our children . I speak peace over your Life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I speak Healing, Truth, and Forgiveness. He was able to accomplish his dream right at the 40 mark and you are only 26 . And don’t worry about a woman wanting you, God sees everything and he said he will give us desires of our heart… but your heart must first be pure and washed by the word of God. I love you and God loves you. God bless whoever reads this especially you.

id: 22218 - Text:  @tamerrawest5313  don't send him to a church. Those women and girls deserve better than this. I'm not saying that he's a terrible person. I just think he should find another person on his level. Maybe another sex addict or a sex worker, etc... Women in the churches always end up with the 🌈 , or ex addicts, or ex convicts. It's sad...
