31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 35247 - Text: READ ALL HIS BOOKS! One of my favorite authors ever. "In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts" I'm actually working on a video review of that one as we speak!

id: 35418 - Text: very good video, you told the truth about alohol addiction and what its like being a drunk. its a very digusting life.wish you well in your recovery

id: 35503 - Text: Went through similar trauma throughout my childhood, got diagnosed with the same and other similar disorders, including various substance abuse disorders. It's shitty, but hopefully videos and stories like this can prevent and/or treat victims early.

id: 35518 - Text: I subcribed to you 🩷 I hope you make videos , do you have tiktok or anything ?

id: 35533 - Text: Hi, I just wanted to share with you a term, you may or may not have heard of it. It’s called disassociative fugue. It sounded a lot like how you got between 2 states and did so many things unaware. Given your severe trauma history (takes one to know one) maybe give a look see into disassociative identity disorder. If you’d like, give a listen to the popular videos on this channel. The CTAD clinic

id: 35613 - Text: The lack of ability to judge a character accurately in this comment section is very sad to read. And it’s sad that Mark also lacked it in this interview. Savannah, you have a captivating appearance and I know it is very hard to NOT use it to your advantage. In this world we life in and especially online, looks is a very valuable currency. I think I don’t have to tell you that with your story and as an OF girl. Fooling people (and especially yourself) will only get you so far.. it may be a shortcut here and there but not to a place you or anyone would like to go. The bpd ambivalence is very real in your thinking and talking style. It seemingly reached a point where you don’t even notice It yourself. And you have gotten so good at fooling people (and yourself!?) so they just see it as some kind of „quirky“ talking style.. instead for what it is: boarders overlapping eachother. Stories overlapping eachother. Feelings overlapping eachother. And all without knowing where your story, feelings and experiences start and where others end.. But(!) you also are clean for almost two weeks In this video so this of course will also distort your thinking. I just hope that you have genuine friends around you or good counseling. Not a bunch of woohoo girls and boys just cheering for you to „stay as you are“ It’s not just the drugs that have to change and fall alway. You have to for example notice and really work on that ugly character parts and not just accept them. What happened to you wasn’t right and it really sucks that the person who has to bare the responsibilitie is you.. because only you can change yourself.. but as sucky as it may be, it’s also wonderful to know that change is possible for you. Life is not about „staying as you are“ for as long as possible. It’s about changing and not recognizing who you used to be. Especially if one struggles with addiction and mental health. All taking from experience. I am not trying to put you down. I hope you can see that and I am looking forward to someday see something from you that is truly authentic 🫂 your on a good path I hope! Greetings from Germany ✨

id: 35616 - Text:  @fightstar1777  also by your comment, you’re putting mark down as well if you don’t realize. Judging someone from a YT video is delusional, not me. Stop talking now 🫶🏻

id: 35655 - Text: You are so full force. This video of you has shown me that you have trouble experiencing solitude and silence and being OK with it. There is a Bible verse that states " be still and know that I am God" eternalize this. Love yourself not drugs. Believe what I'm saying I've been there.

id: 35671 - Text: What a fantastic episode and I give Savannah absolute love and props for everything she’s gone through and made it. I hope you’re over 1 month clean. I’ve been there in some ways but you seem strong and independent and very intelligent. Hope we get a follow up video to see Savannah and how she’s doing now. God Bess and you’re going to go out and crush life.

id: 35694 - Text: ​ @sciencenotstigma9534 thanks,you're adding details that weren' t in the video. Take the story in its entirety. It doesn' t add up. 4900 calories of alcohol+cirrhosis+anorexia/ bulimia+ 23od's+warrants in different states+3 a-list actors,etc.
